Two brothers hear better with a Cochlear Baha donated through Ear Community

Damian and Michael Mosley, both born with Microtia and Atresia, receiving their newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 5 processors (August 13, 2015)

Damian and Michael Mosley, both born with Microtia and Atresia, receiving their newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 5 processors (August 13, 2015)

Meet Michael and Damian Mosley of Mableton, Georgia. Michael is nine years old and was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia and his brother, Damian, is almost 2 years old, born with Microtia and Atresia of his left ear. Michael and Damian’s father, Nathanael, also has Microtia and Atresia. Michael and Damian’s parents, Sarah and Nathanael, wanted to make sure their boys could hear, but they have struggled to obtain hearing devices for their sons through their insurance provider. Sarah says “their insurance provider has turned down all of their appeals for coverage of a bone anchored hearing device.” Sarah knows that bone anchored hearing devices could help her sons hear better as she states “when Michael puts his loaner BAHA (on a soft band) on his younger brother, Damian, his face lights up with delight.” Thankfully, the Mosley family found the Ear Community Organization and applied for three bone anchored hearing devices for their sons.

On August 13th, 2015, both Michael and Damian were fitted with their newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 5 hearing devices. While the time and services for the boy’s fitting and programming were unable to be donated, additional funds were made possible, in memory of Curt Gorman (Past President of Oticon Medical US), that helped fund these extra costs so Michael and Damian could have their Baha 5 processors fitted and programmed appropriately. Curt Gorman had a passion for helping children hear better as he was a pioneer in the hearing device industry, especially for bone anchored hearing devices. Curt new many colleagues in the hearing device industry who work for Cochlear Americas and when he was President of Entific Medical Systems (US). Ear Community wishes to thank the Gorman family ( and those who made contributions in Curt’s name) for helping make these funds possible so Michael and Damian could receive their hearing devices. Thank you to Dr. Erica Claxton of Children’s Hospital of Alabama for fitting and programming the boy’s hearing devices.

Ear Community is a nonprofit organization that helps the Microtia and Atresia community worldwide. Ear Community is so very thankful for the help that it receives and when other organizations come together to help Ear Community with its mission, to help children and adults born with Microtia and Atresia. “Thank you to Cochlear Americas for helping Michael and Damian live a better quality of life by donating their new Baha 5 processors so they can hear better in school,” says Melissa Tumblin.

Ear Community would especially like to thank Kolleen Davis and Joanne Kernie of Cochlear Americas for donating the three Baha 5’s to our foundation so Ear Community could help Michael and Damian hear better. “Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. It has a dedicated global team of more than 2,500 people who deliver the gift of sound to those with hearing loss in over 100 countries. Its vision is to connect people, young and old, to a world of sound by offering life enhancing hearing solutions. In 2013, Cochlear celebrates 100,000 Baha System users – all with unique stories of how being able to hear again has impacted their lives. The Cochlear promise of “Hear Now. And Always” embodies the company’s commitment to providing its recipients with the best possible hearing performance today and for the rest of their lives.”

Thank you and congratulations on hearing all of the sounds of life so much better Michael and Damian!
Melissa Tumblin (Founder) and Board of Directors
Ear Community

About Melissa Tumblin

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