Application For a College Scholarship

If you or a loved one is currently enrolled in an accredited university, state college, or community college and would like to apply for a college scholarship, please submit the following information to Ear Community for consideration:

*  All information that is required below must be complete in order to be considered for the application process.
*  The applicant must have Microtia and Atresia and must NOT have had ear reconstructive surgery (biological ears are in tact).

1.  Submit a letter (four to five paragraphs in length) about yourself (the applicant) explaining what your career path is, what degree(s) you are working on, and your expected graduation date.
2.  Please include the applicant’s mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address at the bottom of your letter.
3.  Please include a picture of the applicant.
4.  Please submit proof of enrollment at the accredited university, state college, or community college that you are enrolled at.

Mail the above information post marked to:
Ear Community, Inc.
Scholarship Applicant
280 E. 1st Ave., Unit 704
Broomfield, CO  80038

*  You will be notified via e-mail once your application has been received.
*  While Ear Community is able to help many applicants in need, not all applicants can be selected due to the large number of applications being received.
* Please note: if Ear Community reaches out to the applicant in regards to your application and two weeks or more go by without receiving a response from the applicant, the applicant will have to re-apply again in one year.

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