Sadie Hart receives Ear Community college scholarship

Sadie Hart, Ear Community college scholarship recipient, 8/2024, U of Mississippi

Sadie Hart, Ear Community college scholarship recipient, 8/2024, U of Mississippi

August 2024
Congratulations to Sadie Hart for being one of our Ear Community college scholarship recipients this year!

Sadie was born with microtia and atresia of her right ear and grew up Brentwood, Tennessee, attending high school in Nashville. Sadie says while her microtia and atresia does moderately affect how she hears, she has managed to deal with her hearing loss, but never allows microtia and atresia to be an excuse for her.

Sadie is excited to begin the next chapter of her life at the University of Mississippi where she plans to major in business. Sadie is interested in real estate. She says, “…she has always been fascinated by how properties are bought, sold, and developed, and how the real estate market influences the economy. The idea of turning an empty lot into a thriving community or a neglected building into a vibrant commercial space is very exciting”! For Sadie, real estate seems like a perfect blend of business, creativity and the opportunity to make a difference in the community for others. Eventually, she hopes to gain a contractor’s license allowing her to be even more involved with the world of real estate.

Sadie is looking forward to both learning about business and real-world experience from her college professors as well as growing personally by being involved with the campus Greek life, clubs, attending events and making new friends!

Congratulations, Sadie! We are SO PROUD of YOU!!! Have a great time at “Ole Miss”, learn lots and go on to do great things, Sadie!

Thank you!
Melissa Tumblin
Founder – Executive Director
Ear Community

About Melissa Tumblin

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