Bone Anchored Awareness Day is a day that our community recognizes bone conduction technology – the very technology that our community members benefit from in regards to the option for restoring conductive hearing loss, among other types of hearing loss. The May 3 date was chosen deliberately because it is the birthday of Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Brånemark, a Swedish physician and research professor who is known as the father of osseointegration and the godfather of bone anchored hearing, because his discoveries enabled the development of today’s bone conduction hearing devices.

We look forward to celebrating Bone Anchored Awareness Day with everyone and recognizing the month of May by embracing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community!
Don’t forget to advocate for Ally’s Act, H.R. 2439 and S. 1135, a National level bill that would ensure that private insurers cover bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants for children and adults from birth to age 65! Here’s a message from Ally Tumblin, whom Ally’s Act is inspired by:
Thank you!
Ear Community
#boneanchoredhearing #goodvibrations
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