Isabella Cuadras receives Ear Community college scholarship

Isabella Cuadres, Ear Community college scholarship recipient, 8/2024, Florida Gateway College

Isabella Cuadres, Ear Community college scholarship recipient, 8/2024, Florida Gateway College

August 2024
Congratulations to Isabella Cuadras for being one of our Ear Community college scholarship recipients this year!

Isabella was born with microtia and atresia of her left ear and grew up in the Lake City, Florida area. Isabella says while while she was not confident with her little ear growing up, she has managed to become more confident over the years – mainly because her dad also has microtia and she looks up to him, knowing that she is not alone. Isabella says that her dad shows her that their little ears can’t make them less of a person, but just more unique! As a young adult today, she realizes her little ear makes her different in the best way and she wouldn’t have it any other way! Isabella is proud of the confident person she has become!

Excited to begin the next chapter in life, Isabella graduated a year early from high school and is looking forward to attending Florida Gateway College where she plans to earn her AA degree in business for travel. Already realizing how much Isabella enjoys traveling and wondering what places she could explore and how many cultures she could learn about, she would like to become a travel agent! Even though graduating early was scary for her, she believes it was the right choice for her, allowing her to start her college education early. This decision also helped Isabella prove to herself that she can do whatever she puts her mind to!

When Isabella was younger, she was scared to think she would be stuck in a job she didn’t love. Going to Florida Gateway College and earning her AA will give her an opportunity to chase her dreams with travel! Isabella is excited to earn her AA and get out into the real world as a travel agent!

Congratulations, Isabella! We are SO PROUD of YOU!!! Have a wonderful time traveling the world and also making a difference for others as you help them with their plans to travel the world too as a future travel agent!  Learn lots and do great things, Isabella!

Thank you!
Melissa Tumblin
Founder – Executive Director
Ear Community

About Melissa Tumblin

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