Ear Community Proudly Announces Its Advisory Board Members

On May 18, 2013, Ear Community proudly announced who the members are for its Advisory Board.  “It has been a privilege and an honor to get to know each one of our Advisory Board members over the past three years and I am proud to have established such an amazing professional relationship with each and every one of them” says Melissa Tumblin, the Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community.  Each Advisory Board member realizes how important Ear Community is to both medical professionals and to the families and individuals with Microtia and Atresia.  Each medical professional on Ear Community’s Advisory Board have given Ear Community an amazing amount of support ranging from informing their patients and colleagues about Ear Community, to participating in Ear Community’s global picnics, and in helping Ear Community promote awareness through sponsored presentations and webinars.  Every single one of the doctors and certified medical professionals on the Advisory Board believe in helping both children and adults who are deaf and hard of hearing have the best quality of life.  It is very important for Ear Community to retain the relationships established with medical professionals in order to provide current, up to date content on Ear Community’s website recognizing the options that are available to children and adults who have Microtia and Atresia.  It is also pertinent that Ear Community have a close relationship with top medical professionals in the industry in order to continue to provide factual information and in order to remain unbiased.  I am relieved and thankful for the amount of support and acceptance that Ear Community has received from the medical/healthcare industry.  It has always been Ear Community’s hope to not only make things easier for the next family who has a child born with Microtia and Atresia, but to also partner with medical professionals so that together, we may provide the best quality of life and care for individuals within the Microtia and Atresia community.  As Ear Community continues to grow, I look forward to adding additional medical professionals to its Advisory Board from around the world.  Thank you for your support!

The following medical professionals are who make up Ear Community’s Advisory Board:

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D.

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D.

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D. is a board certified Otolaryngologist ENT.  Dr. Bonilla represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Rib Graft surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Bonilla  is a pediatric microtia repair surgeon and is also the Founder of the Microtia Congenital Ear Deformity Institute in Texas (USA).  Testimonial – “The Ear Community family and nonprofit has transformed the way parents who have children with microtia and atresia communicate with each other.  Ear Community offers extremely informative and unbiased options for families seeking help. I am honored to be on the advisory board.”

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D., CED

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D., CED

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D, CED is an Educational/Pediatric Audiologist and Deaf Educator (ToDHH).  Dr. Cox represents professional educational audiologists and educators for the deaf and hard of hearing on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Cox is a member of and the Treasurer for the Educational Audiology Association (EAA), an international organization of Audiologists and related professionals who deliver a full spectrum of hearing services to all children, particularly those in educational settings.  Dr. Cox is also the owner of Audiology Services in Florida (USA).  Testimonial – “I wholeheartedly endorse the Ear Community as a warm and supportive community for individuals who were born with Microtia and Atresia and hearing loss.  All Audiologists should consider making the Ear Community website the “Go To” place for a support community for individuals and families regarding their options for managing hearing loss and minimizing its negative impact on daily life through technology and/or reconstructive surgical options.”

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA is a certified clinical Anaplastologist representing anaplastology professionals and the option for prosthesis on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Greg is the Founder of the Medical Art Prosthetics Clinic and is on the Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology (BCCA) and in recent years has served as chairman of the Committee on Eligibility.  Testimonial – “Ear Community founded by Melissa Tumblin fills a large whole in the body of information that is currently available to individuals with Microtia, young or old.  Real experiences and feelings, shared by patients or families faced with the same decisions about treatments or by others who already live with the outcome of a particular treatment provide that additional dimension that helps make a more comfortable well-informed decision.”

Dr. Russell Griffiths, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair.  Dr. Griffiths represents the option for ear reconstruction specialists practicing both the Rib Graft and Medpor surgical techniques.  However, Dr. Griffiths represents the unique option as a medical professional practicing both the Rib Graft and Medpor surgical options in which either one can be achieved in just one procedure for outer ear reconstruction surgery.  Dr. Griffiths is the Founder of Boise Plastic Surgery.  Testimonial –   (additional commentary will soon be added)…

Dr. Bradly Kesser, M.D.

Dr. Bradly Kesser, M.D.

Dr. Brad Kesser, M.D. is a board certified Otologist, Otolaryngologist, and Neurotologist ENT.  Dr. Kesser represents the option for canal repair (atresia repair/canalplasty) for Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Kesser is a member of the faculty in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Virginia (USA) where he specializes in congenital ear disease (aural atresia), hearing loss, dizziness and balance disorders, skull base tumors, acoustic neuroma, and chronic ear disease including cholesteatoma including the implantation of hearing devices.  Testimonial – “Words of Wisdom…Ear Community is just that – a community of patients, families, and advocates for children and adults alike with microtia/atresia.  It is a valuable online resource putting patients and families together – both virtually and physically – to discuss experiences, joys, disappointments, options, and technologies in the arenas of hearing rehabilitation, microtia surgery, and atresia repair.  Thank you, thank you for providing this support to families. It is through sites like yours and people like you that families get accurate and important information about how best to take care of their little loved ones.  My sincere appreciation to you for what you have done.”

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D.

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D.

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair.  Dr. Lewin represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Medpor surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Lewin is the Founder of Earicles, Miracles for Ears, a nonprofit organization that helps children with surgery who are born with Microtia.  Dr. Lewin also has her own practice called Aesthetic Ear Reconstruction in California (USA).  Testimonial – “I am honored to serve on the Board of Advisors for Ear Community.  Prior to the development of the Ear Community website, it was a very difficult process for someone with Microtia/Atresia or their loved ones to become educated about all of the issues and options surrounding this condition. The Ear Community took on that challenge in a thoughtful and all-inclusive way to create a true online community providing support and education to fill the large void that currently exists in the medical community with respect to information about Microtia and Atresia.”

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D.

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D.

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair and is the pioneer of the Medpor surgical technique for outer ear reconstruction.  Dr. Reinisch represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Medpor surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Reinisch has his own private practice called Reinisch Plastic Surgery in California (USA).  Dr. Reinisch’s work is further supported by a wonderful nonprofit organization called the Small Wonders Foundation (founded by parents) by helping finance surgeries and provide emotional support to families who need surgery that Dr. Reinsich can help accommodate.  Testimonial – (additional commentary will soon be added)…

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D.

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D.

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D. is a board certified Otologist, Otolaryngologist, and Neurotologist ENT.  Dr. Roberson represents the option for canal repair (atresia repair/canalplasty) for Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Roberson specializes in congenital ear disease (aural atresia), hearing loss, dizziness and balance disorders, skull base tumors, acoustic neuroma, and chronic ear disease including cholesteatoma including the implantation of hearing devices.  Dr. Roberson is the CEO and Managing Partner for the California Ear Institute (USA).  Dr. Roberson is also the Founder and President of the Let Them Hear Foundation, a nonprofit medical organization that is passionate about bringing the gift of hearing to those living in silence in the U.S. and around the world.  Testimonial – “Parents and patients are almost always faced with a need to efficiently gather accurate facts in treatment decision making regarding A-M.  Fortunately for all of us, new options are available and will continue to emerge for years.  Ear Community is a wonderful place to discuss ideas, experiences and options with other parents and patients undergoing treatment – a valuable and wonderful resource for you.  I am honored to facilitate that process for any family or patient partnering with EC.”

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D., is the Editor-in-Chief for AudiologyOnline, a recognized leader in online professional development and career
center resources for audiologists and hearing care professionals worldwide.   Dr. Smaka represents professional audiologists on Ear Community’s Advisory Board along with the philosophy of helping children and adults who have hearing loss with emotional support and educating individuals on the  latest options in hearing device technology that can help provide a better quality of life.  Testimonial – “Ear Community is a one-of-a-kind resource that empowers families and gives professionals insight into the patient and family journeys and the psychosocial impact of microtia/atresia.  Fueled by the limitless passion and enthusiasm of its founder, Melissa Tumblin, Ear Community advances our collective understanding of microtia/atresia to help ensure the best possible outcomes for each individual.”

Thank you so much,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
Founder of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook

About Melissa Tumblin

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