Melissa McClellan, Melissa Tumblin, and Melissa Shemanski of Ear Community at the 2019 EHDI in Chicago
The Ear Community Organization had another successful year at the EHDI (Early Hearing Detection Hearing) Meeting in Chicago this week! This was Ear Community’s fourth time being an exhibitor at EHDI and the only organization to educate on educate about all options for Microtia and Atresia and on Microtia and Atresia in general. We helped update and educate many visitors to our booth from audiology students to audiologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, teachers of the deaf, public health representatives, early intervention providers and more! We enjoyed learning more about the latest in bone conduction hearing devices from our friends at Cochlear Americas about Baha 5 and the SoundArc band, Medel and the new ADHEAR and Bone bridge and Oticon Medical and Ponto 3 Superpower.
We visited the Phonak booth to listen through the Roger FM system and met up with our friends from the HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America). Ear Community nominated Dr. Tina Childress as our audiology professional who has made a difference for the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence. We learned more about Cued Speech and ASL along with many other helpful resources for signing. We attended our state stakeholder meetings, attended presentations on the latest regarding hearing loss and research, met up with Rachel Coleman of Signing Time, and connected with four of Ear Community’s board members. We had a wonderful time representing and learning and even made time for a Chicago dog. ❤️👂❤️
- Ear Community welcomed Rachel Coleman of Signing Time into our booth this week.
- Ear Community board members Melissa Tumblin, Melissa Shemanski, w/ Dr. Gonsette, and Melissa McClellan.
- Ear Community and Cochlear Americas in Chicago at the 2019 EHDI.
- Ear Community and Oticon Medical in Chicago at the 2019 EHDI.
- Ear Community and MedEL in Chicago at the 2019 EHDI.
- Ear Community’s Melissa Tumblin with HLAA directors Ann Rancort and Ronnie Adler
- Ear Community and the HLAA
- Melissa Tumblin with Dr. Tina Childress at the 2019 EHDI
- Ear Community with Phonak
- Melissa McClellan, Melissa Tumblin, and Melissa Shemanski of Ear Community at the 2019 EHDI in Chicago
The Ear Community Organization
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