Archives for February 2022

Young girl receives the gift of hearing thanks to Oticon Medical Canada and Ear Community

Meet Tamara from Scarborough, Ontario! Tamara is a sweet, happy little girl excited to be in school and learn all that she can! Tamara was born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear. Now that Tamara is seven years old starting elementary school, Tamara noticed she was struggling to hear well in the school classroom. Her mother, Amad, took her to get her hearing checked. During Tamara’s hearing test, their audiologist educated them on a hearing device called a bone anchored hearing system and how this hearing device could help Tamara hear better. Once Amad saw the results of Tamara’s audiogram, showing how her hearing loss was brought back up within normal hearing range when aided, she was so excited to help her daughter hear better with a hearing device. When taking the next steps to obtain a BAHS, the family surprisingly learned that they were not covered by the National Healthcare program in Canada. As a result, Amad was faced with an out of pocket quote for $6,600 for a BAHS if she wanted to help her daughter hear.

Not knowing how she was going to find help obtaining a BAHS for Tamara, Amad discovered the Ear Community Organization! She reached out to Ear Community for a hearing device for her daughter along with help from their audiologist, Dr. Dana Song. Amad was overjoyed to learn that Ear Community would be able to donate a new Ponto 5 Bone Anchored Hearing System from Oticon Medical for Tamara to hear better with! On February 7th, 2022, Tamara was fitted with her new Ponto 5 thanks to Oticon Medical through the Ear Community Organization! Tamara’s smile says exactly how happy she is to hear better now with her new Oticon Medical Ponto 5! Ear Community is so proud to have helped another child hear thanks to Oticon Medical partnering with our organization, helping children with Microtia and Aural Atresia! A special thank you to Tamara’s audiologist, Dr. Dana Song at Sick Kids, for donating her time and services to fit and program Tamara with her new Ponto 5!

A very special thank you to Kate Yakimow, Director of Oticon Medical Canada, Janna Brubacher and also Siiry Fortey of Oticon Medical Canada for helping with Tamara’s Ponto 5 at her fitting. Oticon Medical is a well-respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure. Ear Community would also like to thank our donors and members of the community who want to help our organization continue our work – none of this would be possible without your support! We are so happy to have been a part of helping Tamara hear better!

Everyone at Ear Community is excited to know that Tamara will thrive everyday while hearing her best with her new Ponto!
Ear Community

Ally’s Act, H.R. 477, a Bipartisan Bill to Require Coverage of Implantable Hearing Devices Needs Your Support!



H.R. 477, Ally’s Act, is a bicameral/bipartisan federal bill that would ensure private insurers cover medically necessary bone-anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants for children and adults, ages birth through 64 years.

Bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants address unique corrective requirements for specific forms of hearing loss, and are typically the only treatment for these specific hearing losses. Hearing is critical for young children’s speech and spoken language development. Untreated hearing loss in adults is associated with significant negative consequences including poorer quality of life. Yet, these life-changing treatments for hearing loss are often denied by insurers. Ally’s Act requires that medically necessary bone-anchored hearing aids, cochlear implants, and the accompanying medical and audiological visits, are covered by private insurers to help ensure no person is left unable to hear due to insurance coverage issues.

A hearing has been requested for this bill with members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

If you believe that medically necessary, life-changing treatments for hearing loss should be covered by insurance, we need your help!

Please ask your representative to co-sponsor this bill and ask for a hearing! Share your story, or use the following script:

Hello!  Please support House Bill 477, also known as Ally’s Act. This is a bicameral/bipartisan national level bill that would ensure private insurers cover specialized implantable hearing devices known as bone-anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants when they are medically necessary. This bill would help children and adults, from birth to age 64 years, to have better access to life-changing treatment, allowing them to fully participate in the workplace and community.  Please review this legislation as a hearing has been requested by members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Congressman David McKinley is the original co-sponsor for this bill. Thank you!

If your representative is on the House Energy and Commerce Committee you may contact them at their office phone numbers listed below:

Frank Pallone NJ (202) 225-4671
Anna Eshoo CA (202) 225-8104
Kathy Castor FL (202) 225-3376
John Sarbanes MD (202) 225-4016
Jerry McNerney VT (202) 225-1947
Kurt Schrader OR (202) 225-5711
Raul Ruiz CA (202) 225-5330
Scott Peters CA (202) 225-0508
Debbie Dingell MI (202) 225-4071
Marc Veasey TX (202) 225-9897
Ann Kuster NH (202) 225-5206
Robin Kelly IL (202) 225-0773
Nanette Diaz Barragan CA (202) 225-8220
A. Donald McEachin VA (202) 225-6365
Lisa Blunt Rochester DE (202) 225-4165
Darren Soto FL (202) 225-9889
Tom O’Halleran AZ (202) 225-3361
Kathleen Rice NY (202) 225-5516
Kim Schrier WA (202) 225-7761
Lori Trahan MA (202) 225-3411
Lizzie Fletcher TX (202) 225-2571
Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA (202) 225-2006
Fred Upton MI (202) 225-3761
Michael Burgess TX (202) 225-7772
Steve Scalise LA (202) 225-3015
Robert Latta OH (202) 225-6405
Brett Guthrie KY (202) 225-3501
Adam Kinzinger IL (202) 225-3635
H. Morgan Griffith VA (202) 225-3861
Gus Bilirakis FL (202) 225-5755
Bill Johnson OH (202) 225-5705
Billy Long MO (202)225-6536
Larry Buchson IN (202) 225-4636
Markwayne Mullin OK (202) 225-2701
Richard Hudson NC (202) 225-3715
Tim Walberg MI (202) 225-6276
Earl Carter GA (202) 225-5831
Jeff Duncan SC (202) 225-5301
Gary Palmer AL (202) 225-4921
Neal Dunn FL (202) 225-5235
John Curtis UT (202) 225-7751
Debbie Lesko AZ (202) 225-4576
Greg Pence IN (202) 225-3021
Dan Crenshaw TX (202) 225-6565
John Joyce PA (202) 225-2431
Kelly Armstrong ND (202) 225-2611


For more information about Ally’s Act, please read the press release from Congressman Joe Neguse, watch this video from CBS Denver, visit Ear Community at, or email

Thank you so much for your continued support of Ally’s Act, H.R. 477!
Link to AO press release.

Source: Ear Community

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