Ear Community is honored to introduce you to an extraordinary young man named, Josh Brodie, our first college scholarship recipient for 2019! Josh was born in China and adopted by his parents 16 years ago. When Josh was growing up, a surgeon suggested he look into getting prosthetic ears for his bilateral Microtia and Atresia. Even at a young age, Josh knew that he was comfortable in his own skin, with who he was, and didn’t need artificial ears.
Josh has always had a foot in both worlds – the hearing and the deaf world. He attended two high schools, one where he was on the National Honor Society, and the other – Kansas School for the Deaf – where he participated on the award-winning academic bowl team. Josh excels in math and chemistry. He even developed several statistical simulation games to predict the outcome of basketball and football games using coins and spinners. Because of his passion for math and related subjects, Josh is planning to pursue a career in actuarial science, data analysis, or accounting. Josh plans to attend Johnson County Community College to get his feet wet, and then possibly move on to a larger university such as MidAmerica Nazarene University where he can participate in their honors program and earn his major and minor degrees.
Josh truly has a passion for learning, and a knack for analytical things. One of his favorite quotes is by Galilei Galileo: “Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe.” We know that Josh is going to change the world (and maybe the universe!) with his grit and drive. Ear Community is thrilled to award Josh a $750 scholarship to attend school and further his education. These kinds of scholarships would not be possible without the generous donations from supporters of Ear Community. We would like to thank our board member, Scott Newcomb and his brother, Brent Newcomb for facilitating a $2,000 grant through Brent’s employer, Tortoise Advisors, www.tortoiseadvisors.com. Brent has been a long-term donor to our Ear Community Organization through the investment companies he has worked for. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to bless lives like Josh’s through the support of companies like Tortoise Advisors. Because of this grant, we will be able to help nearly 3 college students continue their higher education and move towards changing the world. We also thought it was wonderful to be able to help give back to a college recipient in Kansas (Josh) as Tortoise is also based in Kansas.
Ear Community has been a strong supporter of education since its inception. We started off as an educational resource for families and are the largest parent-driven organization for Microtia and Atresia. Because education is so important to us, it makes the ability to award college scholarships that much sweeter. Josh, we wish you the best of everything and know you will study hard and will achieve all of your dreams as you apply the same drive you have shown your whole life! Good luck, we can’t wait to see what you do!
The Ear Community Organization
and our board members