Congressman Joe Neguse pictured (right) with the Tumblin Family, the family behind H.R. 477, also known as Ally’s Act. (6/25/2022)
On Saturday, June 25th, 2022, we had the honor of Congressman Joe Neguse joining us at our Colorado Ear Community picnic in Broomfield! Congressman Neguse was also finally able to meet the Tumblin family in person, especially Ally! Ally Tumblin wrote to Congressman Neguse in May of 2019 during Better Hearing and Speech Month, asking him to help her advocate to hear better and he did just that by introducing legislation honoring Ally called Ally’s Act! Shortly after, Congressman Neguse introduced a Federal bill on December that would help improve private insurance coverage for bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants for children and adults from birth to age 64! The last time Ally’s mom, Melissa, had met with Congressman Neguse in person was on September 20th, 2019 in Washington DC before the pandemic began and before our bill, Ally’s Act, H.R. 477 (previously 5485) was introduced by Congressman Neguse. It was an amazing day getting to see him again along with my family on Saturday, said “Melissa!”
During our event, The Ear Community Organization honored Congressman Neguse with an award on behalf of the Microtia and Atresia community for helping give our children and adults a voice to advocate to hear better with better private insurance coverage for bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants with Ally’s Act, H.R. 477 (previously H.R. 5485). It was such an amazing day!
It was such an honor to have Congressman Neguse join us at the headquarter Ear Community event in Broomfield, CO. About 50 Microtia and Atresia families joined us on our special day along with medical professionals. The very first Colorado Ear Community picnic was hosted in June of 2011 by the Tumblin Family. Since then, the Tumblin Family and Ear Community have gone on to host nearly 100 picnics in the United States and abroad, bringing thousands of Microtia and Atresia families together along with medical professionals. Ear Community has donated nearly 150 bone anchored hearing aids to those in need and who have been denied by insurance providers since 2012. The Microtia and Atresia community, including members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community who wear bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants are hopeful for a hearing for H.R. 477 this year with House Energy and Commerce Committee members. A hearing request for H.R. 477 has been submitted by members of this committee. With passage of Ally’s Act, H.R. 477, this bill would help the less than 350,000 children and adults who require the use of bone anchored hearing aids and cochlear implants who are often left out and overlooked by their private insurers.
We are asking everyone to write, email and call members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, asking them to support and cosponsor Ally’s Act, H.R. 477. More information about and how to support this bill can be found at: https://earcommunity.org/about/allys-act-h-r-5485/
Below are some great memories showing Congressman Neguse holding the letter that Ally wrote to him along with Melissa and Ally Tumblin holding a copy of the Ally’s Act, H.R. 477 bill and the letter we received from Congressman Neguse on how he would support Ally by helping her advocate to hear better with Ally’s Act! Thank you to Congressman Neguse for hearing our voices and for wanting to help us! Thank you for helping give our children and adults a voice to advocate for improved hearing healthcare with H.R. 477! Photographer credit goes to Kamen Guentchev.
Melissa Tumblin
Founder, Executive Director
Ear Community
#allysact #EarCommunity #microtiaandatresia #microtiakidsrock #boneanchoredhearingaids #cochlearimplant #hearingloss #advocacy #nonprofit #auralatresia
- Ally Tumblin with Congressman Joe Neguse talking about the letter she wrote to him asking for help to hear better.
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