Ear Community Helps a Little Girl Hear Better With the Help of Cochlear Americas

Lilly Byrd, BMA, North Carolina

Lilly Byrd, BMA, North Carolina

Meet Lilly Byrd. This young spunky little girl was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia and has one of the prettiest smiles on earth. When Lilly was eight months old, she had her first cleft palate repair. Things were better for a while, but the hole in the roof of her mouth opened again. She then had her second repair at two and a half years of age. “What an improvement!…Lilly could now eat and drink without everything coming out of her nose,” says her mom, Melissa Bryd. Lilly was also able to blow and make sounds she could never make before. Lilly does receive speech therapy services twice a week and her speech is improving everyday.

Lilly’s mother explains, “for the first six months of Lilly’s life, we tried to get her a BAHA…Lilly was deaf without it.” “We have Medicaid and they would not pay for a BAHA for Lilly.” Lilly’s parents even appealed and they still could not obtain a hearing device for their little girl who was unable to hear out of both of her ears. Thankfully, they were able to obtain a BAHA through another foundation. Recently, Lilly’s BAHA had to be sent in for servicing and she has been without her hearing device for a while now. “What happens when Lilly is in school as she gets older? How will she be able to communicate and learn in school without falling behind, when her BAHA is not working?” wonders Melissa Byrd. Thankfully, Melissa was able to find help from a very nice mother she met through one of the support groups who lent Lilly her son’s BAHA until she was able to get her own BAHA back from being serviced. “Without Facebook and Ear Community I don’t know what I would do.” says Melissa Bryd. “Melissa Tumblin was the first person I ever spoke to with a child with Microtia. Melissa was a God send! I finally knew I was not alone. More importantly, Lilly was not alone.” says Lilly’s mom. Angela Sabal, one of Ear Community’s Board of Director members, has also helped Lilly’s mom realize that her daughter, Lilly, will be fine in life, as she fast forwards a head in time and imagines how Lilly will get along in life as she gets older. Melissa says, “Angela and her very inspiring daughter, Sarah (who was also born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia and is now 12 years old), have helped me in ways they will never know. Through Sarah, I could see that Lilly could do anything she wants with her life. Angela made me realize how important it is for Lilly to hear bilaterally.”

“Ear Community is always thankful when we are given the opportunity to help a family in need, especially when our foundation can help a child hear better.” says Melissa Tumblin, the Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community. “Melissa Bryd and her little sweet daughter, Lilly, have been members of our support group for the past three years now (known as the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook).” “In addition to Melissa having luck on her side when finding a foundation to donate Lilly’s first BAHA or when meeting the mother mentioned above who was willing to lend Lilly her son’s BAHA temporarily or meeting Angela Sabal so that Lilly’s mom could see that her daughter would be just fine as she develops from a little bundle of joy into a young girl…There are many positive sources at work here in the community. It’s people and organizations coming together to help someone.” says Melissa Tumblin. Ear Community wishes to thank Lilly’s audiologist, Dr. Megan Watson of Asheville Head, Neck, and Ear, for donating her time and services to help program Lilly’s new Cochlear BP100 Baha and for helping fit her during her appointment. I would like to especially thank Bobbi Scheinin of Cochlear Americas for donating a new BP100 Baha to Ear Community so that the foundation can help children hear better like Lilly. “Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. It has a dedicated global team of more than 2,500 people who deliver the gift of sound to those with hearing loss in over 100 countries. Its vision is to connect people, young and old, to a world of sound by offering life enhancing hearing solutions. In 2013, Cochlear celebrates 100,000 Baha System users – all with unique stories of how being able to hear again has impacted their lives. The Cochlear promise of “Hear Now. And Always” embodies the company’s commitment to providing its recipients with the best possible hearing performance today and for the rest of their lives.”

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community
Ear Community Board of Directors


Ear Community Helps A Young Teen Hear Better So She Can Continue To Learn In School


Laura Lopez, BMA, Salem, Oregon

Laura Lopez, BMA, Salem, Oregon

Meet sweet Laura Lopez. Laura is from Salem, Oregon (United States) and is a Spanish speaking 13 year old who was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia. Laura enjoys spending time with her family and is excited about becoming a teenager. Laura is a happy girl with a beautiful smile who lives for everyday because she realizes how precious life is. Laura and her brother Francisco, had a third sibling who was also born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia, but their sister only lived for two months. As a reminder of the loss of their other daughter, Laura’s parents, Ruben and Cellina, realize how important it is for their Laura to be able to live life to its fullest, now. Laura began experiencing problems with her hearing, preventing her from learning in school. At Laura’s last audiology appointment, it was discovered that her hearing was deteriorating and her Cochlear Divino processors were no longer working and had been experiencing intermittent problems over the past couple of years. However, being able to purchase new processors for Laura was unlikely as Laura’s parents struggle every month to pay the rent, put food on the table, and continue to pay the hospital bills from the loss of their daughter. They also do not have insurance coverage and do not receive any help from the government.

 Dr. Joann Clinton at Willamette Education Service District is Laura’s audiologist and she wanted to help Laura hear better so she could be given the chance to continue learning in school just as every child should be given. Dr. Clinton found out about Ear Community and quickly notified Laura’s parents, Ruben and Cellina Lopez. Laura’s parents applied to the Ear Community Foundation in hopes of obtaining new hearing devices for their Laura. “Ear Community is proud to be given the opportunity to donate its first set of new Cochlear BP110 Power processors to Laura, so she can hear now and always, getting the most out of life.“ says the Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community, Melissa Tumblin. This August, Laura was fitted with her new power Bahas and is relieved to hear again. Dr. Clinton said Laura’s family “invited their neighbors, herself, and Laura’s teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Gretchen, to have dinner at their home celebrating Laura’s hearing. “They even did a little demonstration of how Laura’s new Bahas sounded. Everyone had a good time and there were even a few tears of happiness throughout the night. It was such a happy day for Laura and her family.” said Dr. Clinton. “These are the moments that remind us of why it is so important to have charities for the communities and individuals who need them.” says Melissa Tumblin. Bobbi Scheinin, Senior Product Manager for Cochlear American’s Baha division, wanted to make sure that Laura received her new Bahas in time for school to start and so together, we did.

Thank you to everyone for helping make this all possible for Laura. Dr. Clinton, Bobbi Scheinin of Cochlear Americas, and Ear Community were happy to collaborate and help a young lady with Microtia and Atresia hear life the way it was intended. A special thank you to Cochlear Americas for donating the two new processors because Laura would not be hearing today if it were not for wonderful products manufactured by companies, such as Cochlear Americas, who respectively donate quality hearing devices to charity organizations, like Ear Community. “Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. It has a dedicated global team of more than 2,500 people who deliver the gift of sound to those with hearing loss in over 100 countries. Its vision is to connect people, young and old, to a world of sound by offering life enhancing hearing solutions. In 2013, Cochlear celebrates 100,000 Baha System users – all with unique stories of how being able to hear again has impacted their lives. The Cochlear promise of “Hear Now. And Always” embodies the company’s commitment to providing its recipients with the best possible hearing performance today and for the rest of their lives.”

A special thank you to Bobbi Scheinin at Cochlear for collaborating with Ear Community so it can donate hearing devices that help children and adults who are born with Microtia and Atresia. Bobbi and the Cochlear team have been a huge supporter for Ear Community for the past 3.5 years and Laura is Ear Community’s first Cochlear Baha recipient. Thank you from all of us at Ear Community for your compassion and for supporting the Microtia and Atresia Community. Below are some additional pictures of Laura’s special day with her new Cochlear BP110 Power processors!

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
and Ear Community’s Board of Directors


Ear Community Proudly Donates Four Bone Conduction Processors To Twins In Peru


Fabrizio and Fabiano Vega Silvestre, BMA twins, Lima, Peru.

Fabrizio and Fabiano Vega Silvestre, BMA twins, Lima, Peru.

Meet Fabrizio and Fabiano Vega Silvestre from Lima, Peru. These two, adorable little one year old twins, are busy and on the go and are excited for their vocabulary to come in so they can start communicating. However, both Fabrizio and Fabiano were born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia. Fabiano was also born with a cleft palate. Living in Peru is amazing for both Fabrizio and Fabiano, but their family has limited resources and could not afford to purchase hearing devices for the twins once discovering that insurance would not provide them. Diana Silvestre Guierrez is Fabrizio and Fabiano’s mother. Diana says that her boys have severe hearing loss and the twins “need hearing devices urgently…as they currently are banging their heads with their hands and the doctor says [it is because] they need to communicate, [but are unable to due so] due to the deep silence in their lives.”

Even though Fabrizio and Fabiano’s family struggled with finding the funding to purchase BAHAs (also known as Osseo Integrated Devices) for their sons in Peru, their Aunt, Katty Palomino, who lives in Patterson, New York wondered if there was some way she could help the twins here in the United States. Katty Palomino went on line and researched foundations that help children born with Microtia and Atresia and found Ear Community. Katty reached out to Ear Community and applied for help for her nephews.

“Ear Community is honored to have helped Katty find a way to help her nephews hear better by awarding both boys with new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro bone conduction processors, a total of four hearing devices,” says Melissa Tumblin, Ear Community’s Founder and Executive Director. Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing for Oticon Medical, saw the urgency needed to help these twins hear and quickly requested that the four Ponto Pro processors be shipped to Katty in New York so she could send them on to Diana for her twins. An organization in Peru, called CPAL, heard about the help that Katty and Diana had found for Fabrizio and Fabiano through Ear Community and agreed to also donate their time and services to program and fit the processors for the twins.  Katty stated, ” Thank you very much for changing Fabrizio and Fabiano’s lives.  This is a dream come true.  Thank you very much and God Bless you always.”

While the Ear Community organization is proud to have donated Fabrizio and Fabiano’s new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro sound processors and soft band head bands, none of this would have been possible without Oticon Medical donating these amazing hearing devices to Ear Community to begin with. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

A very special thank you to Alan Raffauf of Oticon Medical for donating hearing devices to the Ear Community Organization. Ear Community would also like to thank CPAL for working together with Ear Community and helping Fabiano and Fabrizio hear better and be able to experience all of the beautiful sounds in life. Thank you Katty for the passion in your heart that lead you to finding a way to help your adorable little nephews abroad in Peru to hear better.  Fabrizio and Fabiano would not be hearing today if it were not for the efforts of everyone coming together who were involved.  All of this would not have been possible if not for the community coming together, both in the US and in Peru, finding a way to get these hearing devices to Fabrizio and Fabiano.

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community

Ear Community Is Proud To Award It’s Second College Scholarship


Monique Hernandez, LMA, Peoria, Arizona, Ear Community College Scholarship Recipient

Monique Hernandez, LMA, Peoria, Arizona, Ear Community College Scholarship Recipient

Meet Monique Hernandez. Monique is an undergraduate student in her last semester studying Psychology at Arizona State University. Monique was born with Microtia and Atresia of her left ear. Monique has not had reconstructive surgery and is unaided.  Last year, Monique wasn’t sure if she would be able to complete her undergraduate degree because of not having the financial assistance to continue going to college. Monique applied to Ear Community and was named one of Ear Community’s college scholarship recipients and was awarded a scholarship that could help her complete her degree. Monique was also able to find additional funding for college through another helpful resource as well.

Monique plans to earn her Masters degree in Marriage and Family counseling. Monique would also like to work with Child Protective Services where she would be able to help with children and family interactions as a psychology counselor. Monique’s ultimate dream is to “help families with emotional and spiritual healing within her own business.” “Ear Community recognizes the importance of achieving a higher education and believes in supporting teens and young adults who wish to carry out their dreams by earning their college degree.” states Melissa Tumblin, Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community. Whenever funds are available, Ear Community is always proud to help individuals who have Microtia and Atresia with their education.” says Melissa Tumblin.

Monique enjoys challenging herself and believes in living the dream. One of her favorite quotes is the following from Bernard Edmonds, “To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.” Ear Community is proud to have been able to help Monique by awarding her a college scholarship for $750.00 (USD). Monique was awarded her Ear Community scholarship just in time for her last semester of college this fall. All of us at Ear Community wish you the best of luck with your education and your dream Monique.

 Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community
Ear Community Board of Directors


Ear Community Helps a Young Boy in Missouri Receive the Gift of Hearing…


Joseph Patterson, the proud recipient of a new BAHA through Ear Community, from Oticon Medical

Joseph Patterson, the proud recipient of a new BAHA through Ear Community, from Oticon Medical

Meet Joseph, an active seven year old boy in St. Charles, Missouri. Joseph was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia in addition to being born with ASD. Right after Joseph’s first birthday, he had open heart surgery because of his ASD. Joseph’s lungs were also not fully developed as he was born four weeks premature. Joseph was on a jet ventilator for three weeks where his father Christopher was told that the ventilator he was on was “the most powerful ventilator a new born could be on.” Joseph spent many months in the NICU until he was ready to come home. Due to being on a ventilator for so long, Joseph developed an inversion to oral feeding and had to be put on a feeding tube. At the age of two years, Joseph was finally able to eat on his own.

As Joseph grew older, his parents were able to get him a trial BAHA over the years, but did not have insurance for covering a BAHA and because of additional medical needs, Joseph’s family was unable to purchase a BAHA for him to hear. Joseph’s father, Chris, found our Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook and discovered that the group was part of a nonprofit organization called, Ear Community. On Tuesday, June 25th, Joseph was fitted with a new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro. Joseph’s audiologist, Dr. B. Danielle Robertson of St. Joseph’s Institute for the Deaf, donated her time to help Joseph with his programming and the fitting of his new processor.  Joseph’s family is also working with another nonprofit organization to help him obtain a second Ponto Pro so he can hear through both ears. Thank you Dr. Robertson for helping give back to the Microtia and Atresia community by donating your time to help Joseph hear better with his new sound processor.

 While the Ear Community organization is proud to have donated Joseph’s new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro sound processor and soft band head band, none of this would have been possible without Oticon Medical donating this amazing hearing device to Ear Community to begin with. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

Thank you to Alan Raffauf, Oticon Medical’s Vice President of Marketing, for donating this new sound processor and for wanting to give back to the Microtia and Atresia community through the Ear Community organization. Ear Community applauds the passion and effort that was involved with these individuals in helping another child hear better, so Joseph can hear the way life was intended.

Ear Community is always happy to help give back to the Microtia and Atresia community.

Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community
and Ear Community Board of Directors


Ear Community Donates a New BAHA To Help A Child Hear


Regan Lee wearing his new Ponto Pro BAHA

Regan Lee wearing his new Ponto Pro BAHA

Meet Regan, a very sweet little boy who lives in North Dakota (USA) who is two years old and was born with Microtia and Atresia of his left ear. Regan was also born with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, a syndrome that affects about 1 in 20,000 to 40,0000 births. Regan has been through a lot including various medical procedures addressing his sight and limb complications, in addition to some speech delays and his hearing loss due to his Atresia.

Regan was given the opportunity to trial an Oticon Ponto Pro, last year, but his family could not afford to purchase a BAHA for Regan due to so many expenses going toward Regan’s other medical needs. In December of 2012, Regan’s parents, Brian and Sarah had their second son, Nolan. From the beginning, when Regan began trialing his BAHA, Brian and Sarah noticed that Regan“started to mouth more sounds and make noise indicating his likes and dislikes, something that was not so noted before the hearing device was added to his daily routine.” A little over one year later, Regan’s little brother, Nolan, was born and Regan’s parents realized that the BAHA would give Regan the opportunity to hear his little brother more. Regan’s parents noticed that he could “listen to his brother cry and coo, oftentimes at him. Regan also started to hum and rock his head when listening to music, especially when Sarah plays the piano” when wearing his trial BAHA.

Dr. Tricia Nechodom (left), with Sarah and her son, Regan (center), and Dr. Jerrica Maxson (right)

Dr. Tricia Nechodom (left), with Sarah and her son, Regan (center), and Dr. Jerrica Maxson (right)

In May of 2013, Sarah and Brian found Ear Community on line and applied for their son Regan to obtain a bone conduction hearing device. On June, 27, 2013, Regan was fitted with his new Ponto Pro. Not only was Ear Community able to help donate a new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro to Regan to help him hear better, including his new little brother, but Regan’s audiologists, Dr. Jerrica Maxson and Dr. Tricia Nechodom of Trinity Health Center – West, donated their time to program Regan’s new processor and fit him with it. Dr. Maxson and Dr. Nechodom have both helped donate their time to help little Regan with his Atresia and the Trinity Health Center – West was proud to be able to partner with Ear Community and help another child hear the sounds of life. Thank you for your help in coming together as a community to help Regan and his family!

While the Ear Community organization is proud to have donated Regan’s new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro sound processor and soft band head band, none of this would have been possible without Oticon Medical donating this amazing hearing device to Ear Community to begin with. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected

Regan with his mom, Sarah, at his BAHA fitting

Regan with his mom, Sarah, at his BAHA fitting

international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

Thank you to Alan Raffauf, Oticon Medical’s Vice President of Marketing, for donating this new sound processor and for wanting to give back to the Microtia and Atresia community through the Ear Community organization. Ear Community applauds the passion and effort that was involved with these individuals in helping another child hear better, so Regan can hear the way life was intended.

Ear Community is always happy to help give back to the Microtia and Atresia community.  Sincerely,
Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community
and Ear Community Board of Directors



Ear Community Presents at the 2013 Educational Audiology Conference…

image003On June 28th, 2013, Melissa Tumblin, Founder and Exeuctive Director of Ear Community, presented at the Educational Audiology Association in Scottsdale, Arizona at the Montelucia Resort. The EAA invited Melissa to present about Microtia and Atresia and unilateral hearing loss at the conference. The course was presented over a 1.5 hour duration and was offered to audiologists and other medical professionals for 1.5 CEU contact hours of credit while at the conference. In addition to educational audiologists who sat in on the session, clinical audiologists, psychologists, educators of the deaf and hard of hearing, and speech therapists also listened to the presentation. Audiologists and various medical professionals attended the EAA conference from all over the United States including other countries as well such as Australia.

Following the presentation, many attendees who listened to the presentation did come up and speak with me asking additional questions in regards to Microtia and Atresia. The presentation was well received overall. In fact, one Psychologist told me that she was specifically sent to the EAA conference in order to attend my presentation. That was quite an honor. Dr. Michael Macione, the past president for the EAA also stated “Our group really “gets” what you are doing [Melissa] and in the future if there’s anything you need, please let us know. The feedback from your session was very positive. Thank you for putting in the time to speak with us.” It was an honor to have been invited to speak about Microtia and Atresia and unilateral hearing loss at this year’s EAA.

While attending the EAA conference, I was also able to meet many audiologists whom I have been speaking with over the past three years and finally meet them in person. One individual in particular that I finally had the opportunity to meet in person was Dr. Linda Cox, who has really taken Ear Community and myself under her wing. Dr. Cox is an audiologist who is specialized in educating the deaf and hard of hearing. Dr. Cox is also an Advisory Board member for Ear Community and continues to help promote awareness for the Microtia and Atresia community by sharing information on Ear Community’s website with colleagues and various professionals within the audiology industry. Below are pictures of some of the wonderful audiology professionals who have helped mentor me over the years and who helped me understand hearing loss regarding my own daughter’s Microtia and Atresia.  I was also able to meet up with a Microtia and Atresia family whom I have known for the past couple of years.  It was so nice to finally meet Tom and Sarinah Tran and their beautiful daughter, Emma, who was born with Microtia and Atresia and has had Medpor ear reconstructive surgery along with canalplasty surgery.  Here is the link to the EAA website showing the line up of speakers at the conference that took place over June 27th and June 28th: http://www.edaud.org/displayconvention.cfm?conventionnbr=11594

For more information about the EAA, please visit:  http://www.edaud.org/index.cfm

Thanks so much,Melissa Tumblin Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community

Ear Community Helps Its First Family With Financial Assistance

Ivy Welsh, age 13, waiting for new ear

Ivy Welsh, age 13, waiting for new ear

When Ivy Welsh was six years old, she wanted so badly to have a big girl ear because Ivy was born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear.  When Ivy’s mom, Nicole, had found a doctor who said he could make her a beautiful ear, she was very excited and couldn’t wait for her surgery to begin.  At the age of six, Ivy began her first of seven surgeries for a Rib Graft ear.  As each stage of surgery went by, Ivy was hopeful that her new ear would begin looking better and better.  However, by the seventh stage of surgery, Ivy and her mom, Nicole, realized that her ear didn’t look like what they were expecting or what the doctor had promised.  This is when Ivy’s family realized that Ivy had a botched ear.

For the past seven years, Ivy has cried herself to sleep wishing and praying for a new ear, but her family couldn’t afford another surgery.  “When Ivy was younger, she used to ask Santa for a new ear and she would also ask the Easter Bunny too for a new ear until she figured out they couldn’t do it,” says Nicole Welsh.  “Ivy would cry terribly after her surgeries and the kids were so harsh to her by teasing her about her ear over the years.”  During the last four years, Ivy has prayed and told her church that some day she hopes God will help her get a new ear.  On June 17th of this year, Ivy’s prayers will be answered and her wish for a new ear will be granted as she is scheduled for Medpor surgery with Dr. Sheryl Lewin.  Dr. Lewin’s foundation, Earicles – Miracles for Ears will be helping finance Ivy’s surgery.  Ear Community is proud to help Ivy and her family with airfare and rental car expenses during her surgeries for her new Medpor ear.  Debrah Henderson of the surgery office, K and B Surgical Center, was also able to help Ivy’s family find a place to stay for free during her surgery.  Together, the community has managed to come together for Ivy’s family and help one little girl’s wish come true for a second chance to get a new ear.

Even though Ivy’s new ear may require more than one or two surgeries to remove the Rib Graft ear and create a Medpor ear for her, the family is thankful for this second

Ivy Welsh, with her mom, Nicole Welsh

Ivy Welsh, with her mom, Nicole Welsh

chance for Ivy.  The Welsh family will be away from their home for nearly one month for the first stage of surgery and will most-likely require additional trips to California for her final procedures over the next year.  Nicole Welsh has been a member of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group, founded by Melissa Tumblin, for over three years and was the second member to join the group searching for answers and help for her daughter’s botched ear.  “Ivy’s story was one of the very first heart breaking stories I learned about when I first started my support group in 2010,” says Melissa Tumblin.  “I am overwhelmed with tears of joy that Ear Community can take part in helping Nicole and Ivy get a second chance for a happier life with a new ear.”  “The funding for the Welsh family’s travel expenses would not be possible if it were not for the amazing donations that have come through Ear Community from families and organizations who believe in helping give back to the Microtia and Atresia community,” says Melissa Tumblin.  The Welsh family does not have insurance coverage and has tried to fund raise over the past years, but have not been as successful as they had hoped.  “I have watched the Welsh family grow over the past years as they have struggled financially.”  “I am happy that this opportunity is finally happening for them,” says Melissa Tumblin.

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
Founder of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group

Ear Community Proudly Announces Its Advisory Board Members

On May 18, 2013, Ear Community proudly announced who the members are for its Advisory Board.  “It has been a privilege and an honor to get to know each one of our Advisory Board members over the past three years and I am proud to have established such an amazing professional relationship with each and every one of them” says Melissa Tumblin, the Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community.  Each Advisory Board member realizes how important Ear Community is to both medical professionals and to the families and individuals with Microtia and Atresia.  Each medical professional on Ear Community’s Advisory Board have given Ear Community an amazing amount of support ranging from informing their patients and colleagues about Ear Community, to participating in Ear Community’s global picnics, and in helping Ear Community promote awareness through sponsored presentations and webinars.  Every single one of the doctors and certified medical professionals on the Advisory Board believe in helping both children and adults who are deaf and hard of hearing have the best quality of life.  It is very important for Ear Community to retain the relationships established with medical professionals in order to provide current, up to date content on Ear Community’s website recognizing the options that are available to children and adults who have Microtia and Atresia.  It is also pertinent that Ear Community have a close relationship with top medical professionals in the industry in order to continue to provide factual information and in order to remain unbiased.  I am relieved and thankful for the amount of support and acceptance that Ear Community has received from the medical/healthcare industry.  It has always been Ear Community’s hope to not only make things easier for the next family who has a child born with Microtia and Atresia, but to also partner with medical professionals so that together, we may provide the best quality of life and care for individuals within the Microtia and Atresia community.  As Ear Community continues to grow, I look forward to adding additional medical professionals to its Advisory Board from around the world.  Thank you for your support!

The following medical professionals are who make up Ear Community’s Advisory Board:

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D.

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D.

Dr. Arturo Bonilla, M.D. is a board certified Otolaryngologist ENT.  Dr. Bonilla represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Rib Graft surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Bonilla  is a pediatric microtia repair surgeon and is also the Founder of the Microtia Congenital Ear Deformity Institute in Texas (USA).  Testimonial – “The Ear Community family and nonprofit has transformed the way parents who have children with microtia and atresia communicate with each other.  Ear Community offers extremely informative and unbiased options for families seeking help. I am honored to be on the advisory board.”

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D., CED

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D., CED

Dr. Linda Cox, Au.D, CED is an Educational/Pediatric Audiologist and Deaf Educator (ToDHH).  Dr. Cox represents professional educational audiologists and educators for the deaf and hard of hearing on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Cox is a member of and the Treasurer for the Educational Audiology Association (EAA), an international organization of Audiologists and related professionals who deliver a full spectrum of hearing services to all children, particularly those in educational settings.  Dr. Cox is also the owner of Audiology Services in Florida (USA).  Testimonial – “I wholeheartedly endorse the Ear Community as a warm and supportive community for individuals who were born with Microtia and Atresia and hearing loss.  All Audiologists should consider making the Ear Community website the “Go To” place for a support community for individuals and families regarding their options for managing hearing loss and minimizing its negative impact on daily life through technology and/or reconstructive surgical options.”

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA is a certified clinical Anaplastologist representing anaplastology professionals and the option for prosthesis on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Greg is the Founder of the Medical Art Prosthetics Clinic and is on the Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology (BCCA) and in recent years has served as chairman of the Committee on Eligibility.  Testimonial – “Ear Community founded by Melissa Tumblin fills a large whole in the body of information that is currently available to individuals with Microtia, young or old.  Real experiences and feelings, shared by patients or families faced with the same decisions about treatments or by others who already live with the outcome of a particular treatment provide that additional dimension that helps make a more comfortable well-informed decision.”

Dr. Russell Griffiths, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair.  Dr. Griffiths represents the option for ear reconstruction specialists practicing both the Rib Graft and Medpor surgical techniques.  However, Dr. Griffiths represents the unique option as a medical professional practicing both the Rib Graft and Medpor surgical options in which either one can be achieved in just one procedure for outer ear reconstruction surgery.  Dr. Griffiths is the Founder of Boise Plastic Surgery.  Testimonial –   (additional commentary will soon be added)…

Dr. Bradly Kesser, M.D.

Dr. Bradly Kesser, M.D.

Dr. Brad Kesser, M.D. is a board certified Otologist, Otolaryngologist, and Neurotologist ENT.  Dr. Kesser represents the option for canal repair (atresia repair/canalplasty) for Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Kesser is a member of the faculty in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Virginia (USA) where he specializes in congenital ear disease (aural atresia), hearing loss, dizziness and balance disorders, skull base tumors, acoustic neuroma, and chronic ear disease including cholesteatoma including the implantation of hearing devices.  Testimonial – “Words of Wisdom…Ear Community is just that – a community of patients, families, and advocates for children and adults alike with microtia/atresia.  It is a valuable online resource putting patients and families together – both virtually and physically – to discuss experiences, joys, disappointments, options, and technologies in the arenas of hearing rehabilitation, microtia surgery, and atresia repair.  Thank you, thank you for providing this support to families. It is through sites like yours and people like you that families get accurate and important information about how best to take care of their little loved ones.  My sincere appreciation to you for what you have done.”

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D.

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D.

Dr. Sheryl Lewin, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair.  Dr. Lewin represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Medpor surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Lewin is the Founder of Earicles, Miracles for Ears, a nonprofit organization that helps children with surgery who are born with Microtia.  Dr. Lewin also has her own practice called Aesthetic Ear Reconstruction in California (USA).  Testimonial – “I am honored to serve on the Board of Advisors for Ear Community.  Prior to the development of the Ear Community website, it was a very difficult process for someone with Microtia/Atresia or their loved ones to become educated about all of the issues and options surrounding this condition. The Ear Community took on that challenge in a thoughtful and all-inclusive way to create a true online community providing support and education to fill the large void that currently exists in the medical community with respect to information about Microtia and Atresia.”

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D.

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D.

Dr. John Reinisch, M.D. is a board certified Plastic Surgeon for Microtia repair and is the pioneer of the Medpor surgical technique for outer ear reconstruction.  Dr. Reinisch represents the option for outer ear reconstructive surgery regarding the Medpor surgical technique on Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Reinisch has his own private practice called Reinisch Plastic Surgery in California (USA).  Dr. Reinisch’s work is further supported by a wonderful nonprofit organization called the Small Wonders Foundation (founded by parents) by helping finance surgeries and provide emotional support to families who need surgery that Dr. Reinsich can help accommodate.  Testimonial – (additional commentary will soon be added)…

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D.

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D.

Dr. Joseph Roberson, M.D. is a board certified Otologist, Otolaryngologist, and Neurotologist ENT.  Dr. Roberson represents the option for canal repair (atresia repair/canalplasty) for Ear Community’s Advisory Board.  Dr. Roberson specializes in congenital ear disease (aural atresia), hearing loss, dizziness and balance disorders, skull base tumors, acoustic neuroma, and chronic ear disease including cholesteatoma including the implantation of hearing devices.  Dr. Roberson is the CEO and Managing Partner for the California Ear Institute (USA).  Dr. Roberson is also the Founder and President of the Let Them Hear Foundation, a nonprofit medical organization that is passionate about bringing the gift of hearing to those living in silence in the U.S. and around the world.  Testimonial – “Parents and patients are almost always faced with a need to efficiently gather accurate facts in treatment decision making regarding A-M.  Fortunately for all of us, new options are available and will continue to emerge for years.  Ear Community is a wonderful place to discuss ideas, experiences and options with other parents and patients undergoing treatment – a valuable and wonderful resource for you.  I am honored to facilitate that process for any family or patient partnering with EC.”

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.

Dr. Carolyn Smaka, Au.D., is the Editor-in-Chief for AudiologyOnline, a recognized leader in online professional development and career
center resources for audiologists and hearing care professionals worldwide.   Dr. Smaka represents professional audiologists on Ear Community’s Advisory Board along with the philosophy of helping children and adults who have hearing loss with emotional support and educating individuals on the  latest options in hearing device technology that can help provide a better quality of life.  Testimonial – “Ear Community is a one-of-a-kind resource that empowers families and gives professionals insight into the patient and family journeys and the psychosocial impact of microtia/atresia.  Fueled by the limitless passion and enthusiasm of its founder, Melissa Tumblin, Ear Community advances our collective understanding of microtia/atresia to help ensure the best possible outcomes for each individual.”

Thank you so much,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
Founder of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook

Now Available…A Helpful Course for Microtia and Atresia Families and Medical Professionals on Options and Experience



Hello Everyone!
On, Tuesday, April 23, 2013, I presented an educational session through AudiologyOnline (sponsored by Oticon Medical) about Microtia and Atresia discussing all options that are currently available along with sharing my own experience with Microtia and Atresia after my youngest daughter was born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear.  This presentation/session is FREE and available to anyone who is willing to learn more about Microtia and Atresia.  The session is titled:  Microtia and Aural Atresia:  A Parent’s Perspective and can be found under the course number:  #22454.  This course has been recorded and is available at the following archived link:  http://www.audiologyonline.com/audiology-ceus/course/microtia-aural-atresia-parent-s-22454

This session was originally offered to medical professionals for 1 CEU contact hour of credit and was accredited in the following countries:  United States, Canada, Australia, UK, and for the International Hearing Society.  AAA/0.1 Intermediate; ACAud/1.0; ASHA/0.1 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/1.0; CAA/1.0; CASLPA/1.0; IHS/1.0; Kansas DHE, LTS-S0035/1.0

The following are reviewer comments made by medical and industry professionals who have listened to this presentation/session:

(4 stars)
Review by: Member on May 2, 2013
It’s important to hear feedback from parents/patients to learn how to improve care.
(4 stars)
Review by: Member on May 1, 2013
It presented a parent’s perspective which is often difficult and tedious to obtain.
(5 stars)
Review by: Member on April 29, 2013
A parent’s perspective is a refreshing change and she did it in a professional manner.
(4 stars)
Review by: Member on April 29, 2013
Great organization and delivery by an advocate. The presenter has lived the experience making it very relevant to all participating.
(4 stars)
Review by: Member on April 28, 2013
clear speaker, helpful “real-life” examples
(5 stars)
Review by: Member on April 24, 2013
that more children may benefit by the knowledge we share with each other.
*  I will be speaking at the EAA Educational Audiology Association conference taking place on Friday, June 28th from 10AM to 11:30AM at the Montelucia Resort and Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona.  This presentation will offer 1.5 CEU credits to medical professionals who attend this presentation.  For more details about this conference, please visit:  http://www.edaud.org/displayconvention.cfm?conventionnbr=11594
*  I am thankful for both the medical and industry professionals and the Microtia and Atresia families I have been able to connect with over the past 3.5 years since my daughter was born.  I have learned from all of you and thank you for helping us find our way!  I hope to continue to help many others along their journey with Microtia and Atresia as well.  Thank you also to Oticon Medical and AudiologyOnline for believing in me and supporting a parent advocate.  Thanks for giving me the chance to help promote awareness, advocacy, and for just being given the opportunity to be listened to in hopes of making things easier for the next family who has a child born with Microtia and Atresia.
Thank you!
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
Founder of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook




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