Oticon Medical Mourns Passing of Curt Gorman, Senior Vice President, BAHS Division

Oticon Medical Mourns Passing of Curt Gorman, Senior Vice President, BAHS Division

Curt Gorman, Sr. Vice President of Oticon Medical.  He will be missed by many in the hearing device industry and around the world.  Rest in peace Curt.  Our thoughts and prayers to your family.

Curt Gorman, Sr. Vice President of Oticon Medical. He will be missed by many in the hearing device industry and around the world. Rest in peace Curt. Our thoughts and prayers to your family.

SOMERSET, NJ   August 6 — Oticon Medical sadly announces the passing of Curt Gorman, Senior Vice President, BAHS Division, following a courageous battle with cancer.  A valued member of the management team since Oticon Medical’s inception in 2009, Gorman was passionate about building a company that made implantable hearing solutions an option for more people than ever before. His unwavering focus on delivering innovative solutions and quality support and service earned him the deep respect and loyalty of Oticon Medical customers and fellow associates alike.

Gorman was a pioneer in the hearing implant industry and an early champion of the benefits of bone anchored hearing technology who helped to increase awareness and adoption by hearing healthcare professionals across the US.

“All of us at Oticon Medical who had the pleasure of working with Curt and learning from him are saddened by his passing,” said Jes Olsen, President of Oticon Medical A/S.  “He will be remembered as a warm and caring friend and a dedicated mentor who gave freely of his time, advice and expertise. We honor his memory by carrying forward his spirit of service and passion for people with hearing loss and the dedicated professionals who serve them.”

Gorman is survived by his wife, DeAnn, and sons, Jerrit and Alex.

Jared Schnackenberg, President, Oticon Medical US, will assume responsibilities for the BAHS Division for the immediate future.

Oticon Medical Launches a New Soft Healing Cap

Oticon Medical logo

Oticon Medical logo

Oticon Medical is pleased to announce the launch of the FIRST SOFT HEALING CAP on the market.

The healing cap is intended to be attached to the abutment during the soft tissue healing period after a bone anchored implant surgery to hold the dressing in place and act as protective mechanical barrier.

Consequently, the new soft healing cap is made of a specially selected thermoplastic elastomer material, designed to provide a dampening effect and stay in place if subject to impact. This flexibility allows the healing cap to absorb side forces when exposed to impact, rather than transferring that impact to the abutment which could be the case of a hard healing cap.



Furthermore, the open design of the soft healing cap enables the sound processor to be connected whenever it suits the patient. This ensures the patient always has access to sound.

NOTE: The soft healing cap is designed for all Ponto surgeries but only fits the Ponto abutment family!!!

For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-888-277-8014. We look forward to hearing from you!! For more information on hearing implant solutions, Oticon Medical, the Ponto System and the Ponto Plus family of sound processors, visitwww.oticonmedical.com or the Oticon Medical Expo Page on AudiologyOnline.

How a Cochlear Baha will change the life of one little girl in Colorado through Ear Community

Reyna Guzman-Marroquin, born with unilateral Microtia/Atresia wears her newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 4 just in time for preschool.  Fitted on June 18th 2015.

Reyna Guzman-Marroquin, born with unilateral Microtia/Atresia wears her newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 4 just in time for preschool. Fitted on June 18th 2015.

Meet Reyna Guzman-Marroquin, a 2.5 year old toddler born with unilateral Microtia and Atresia of her right ear.  Reyna lives in Fort Morgan, Colorado and is your typical little girl who is fun spirited and excited to begin talking and singing.  Shortly after Reyna was born, her mom, Magdalena Marroquin-Ramirez, began noticing that Reyna wasn’t as vocal as Reyna’s other siblings were at her age (Reyna is 1 out of 6 siblings).  Magdalena was informed about Colorado’s Early Intervention program and how speech services could help Reyna along with obtaining a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) to help her hear better.  Just before Reyna turned two years old, Reyna was able to receive speech services through CHIP (a local hearing impaired program in Colorado) as she qualified for early intervention services based on a speech/language delay.  Reyna’s auditory skills were also delayed.

Once trialing a traditional bone conduction hearing aid (BCHA), Reyna’s mother inquired about the newer BAHA that was available, but there was no funding for a BAHA as Reyna’s family does not have the financial income to provide for family insurance.  Reyna’s mother had followed up with Children’s Hospital Colorado in regards to qualifying through Medicaid to obtain a hearing device for Reyna, but was not approved through Medicaid.  Reyna’s resource coordinator for early intervention services, Annette Landes, M.A., CCC-SLP, of the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind, decided to apply for a hearing device on behalf of the family through the Ear Community Organization to see if Reyna could obtain a BAHA.  Annette knew that “with Reyna’s speech and language delay that through the use of a BAHA it would assist in maximizing her potential for adequate development in this area.”   Annette and Magdalena knew that Reyna was also not able to localize sounds and that this is a significant safety issue.  A BAHA could help Reyna hear better in general and localize sounds better.  Annette and Reyna’s mother, Magdalena, were concerned about Reyna learning as she will be entering preschool this fall (2015).  Annette states that “research has clearly shown that children with unilateral hearing loss are at a great disadvantage in the school setting if not appropriately aided supported with therapy resources….Reyna will have access to her peers, incidental learning opportunities, sound awareness/localization only if she is aided with a BAHA.  Without this amplification, she may well become part of the statistics that indicate a high incidence of grade repeating and social isolation.”

On June 18th, Reyna was fitted with a new Cochlear Americas Baha 4 on a soft band head band by Dr. Emily Nightengale of Children’s Hospital Colorado.  Since Reyna has been aided with her new Baha 4, both Magdalena and Annette have witnessed how Reyna is more responsive now with a Baha.  Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community, states “By giving Reyna the chance to hear better with her new Baha 4 will not only allow her to thrive during her first year of preschool, but this is the time to help Reyna hear better during her critical years of development (birth to 5) so she can become more vocal as her language skills develop.”

Ear Community is a nonprofit organization that helps the Microtia and Atresia community worldwide. Ear Community is so very thankful for the help that it receives and when other organizations come together to help Ear Community with its mission, to help children and adults born with Microtia and Atresia. “Thank you to Cochlear Americas for helping Reyna live a better quality of life by donating a new Baha 4 processor so she can hear better in school,”  says Melissa Tumblin.

A special thank you to Annette Landes for applying to Ear Community for a Baha 4 for Reyna.  Thank you to Dr. Emily Nightengale  for donating her time and services to help fit and program Reyna with her new Baha 4 processor.  Ear Community would especially like to thank Kerri Lewandowski and Joanne Kernie of Cochlear Americas for donating the Baha 4 to our foundation so Ear Community could help Reyna hear better. “Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. It has a dedicated global team of more than 2,500 people who deliver the gift of sound to those with hearing loss in over 100 countries. Its vision is to connect people, young and old, to a world of sound by offering life enhancing hearing solutions. In 2013, Cochlear celebrates 100,000 Baha System users – all with unique stories of how being able to hear again has impacted their lives. The Cochlear promise of “Hear Now. And Always” embodies the company’s commitment to providing its recipients with the best possible hearing performance today and for the rest of their lives.”

Thank you and congratulations on hearing better and becoming more vocal Reyna!
Melissa Tumblin
Ear Community

Finding confidence again with the Baha 5 from Cochlear Americas through Ear Community

On June 16th, 2015, twenty year old Nicole Pintac wearing her newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 5 from Ear Community.

On June 16th, 2015, twenty year old Nicole Pintac wearing her newly donated Cochlear Americas Baha 5 from Ear Community.

Meet Nicole Pintac of Minot, North Dakota.  Nicole is a twenty year old beautiful young lady who was born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear.   When Nicole was younger, she did have reconstructive ear surgery on her right ear (rib graft), but she still struggled with her hearing.

Nicole works at a popular hotel in her home town and finds herself always apologizing to the guests because she just can not hear them (when welcoming them at the front desk).  Nicole says  “from the moment I was born, I’ve struggled with figuring out which way sounds are coming from [and] it is very hard for me to talk on the phone or talk to anyone in general.”  “Unfortunately, my hearing loss affected me severely in school as I could never hear the teachers and I struggle to read lips.”  Nicole’s everyday life is affected by her hearing loss.  She says, “I still struggle with pronouncing several words because I just can not hear very well, even though I have normal hearing in my left ear.”  Nicole explains, “Most people I know can tolerate me asking them to repeat what they said two or three times, but the people who do not know I’m deaf on my right side become very upset and annoyed with me.”  “This has had an impact on my everyday life, trying to just be happy and accepting of my hearing loss.”

Recently, Nicole made an appointment to see an audiologist, Dr. Tricia Nechodom at Trinity Health Center in Minot, North Dakota. Dr. Nechodom introduced her to the Cochlear Americas Baha 4 and allowed Nicole to trial a loaner device so Nicole could see how her life would be with a hearing device.  To Nicole’s surprise, she couldn’t believe how clearly she could hear from the moment she began wearing the loaner device.  However, Nicole’s insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield does not provide coverage for a bone anchored hearing device and so her request for a Baha was denied.  Nicole began researching options for assistance in obtaining a hearing device when she found Ear Community.  Not only did Nicole discover Ear Community’s hearing device program, but she also discovered an entire community that she could go to for support and more.  In fact, Nicole told her mother about Ear Community and it’s support group, the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook, and they both cried, realizing that they were not alone anymore after all of these years!  Nicole quickly applied to Ear Community for help to obtain a hearing device.

In previous discussions with Melissa Tumblin, the Founder and Exeuctive Director of Ear Community, Nicole explained how she had found it difficult to wear the Baha loaner device on a soft band head band, as she had to be forced to wear her hair up in order to help keep it on better.  Melissa Tumblin informed Nicole about the wire head band as an option in place of the soft band head band.  Melissa Tumblin also informed Nicole about the newly launched Cochlear Americas Baha 5 bone conduction hearing system. On June 16th, 2015th, Nicole had her audiology appointment with Dr. Tricia Nechodom for her fitting of her new Baha 5 with a wire head band.  Nicole states that “I am absolutely in love the the Baha…I can hear my husband and family clearly, which I am sure they love not having to repeat everything all of the time now.  It has been an incredible feeling.  My whole world has opened me up to something so new and amazing.  I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on until I was able to wear a Baha.  I can have an actual conversation with out having everyone repeat what they have said.”  Thank you!  Immediately after Nicole’s fitting with her new Baha, she sent an e-mail to Melissa at Ear Community and said, “You can’t even tell I’m wearing it! And I called my mom off of the phone app and I heard her for the first time on the phone on my right side. It was incredible! I’m sooooooooo happy. Thank you thank you thank youuu!”

Ear Community is a nonprofit organization that helps the Microtia and Atresia community worldwide. Ear Community is so very thankful for the help that it receives and when other organizations come together to help Ear Community with its mission, to help children and adults born with Microtia and Atresia. “Thank you to Cochlear Americas for helping Nicole live a better quality of life by donating a new Baha 5 processor so she can hear better at work and not have to ask people to constantly repeat what they have said,” says Melissa Tumblin.  Some day, Nicole would like to have her new Baha 5 surgically implanted.

A special thank you to Dr. Tricia Nechodom for donating her time and services to help fit and program Nicole’s new Baha 5 processor.  Ear Community would especially like to thank Kerri Lewandowski and Joanne Kernie ofCochlear Americas for donating the Baha 5 to our foundation so Ear Community could help Nicole hear better. “Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. It has a dedicated global team of more than 2,500 people who deliver the gift of sound to those with hearing loss in over 100 countries. Its vision is to connect people, young and old, to a world of sound by offering life enhancing hearing solutions. In 2013, Cochlear celebrates 100,000 Baha System users – all with unique stories of how being able to hear again has impacted their lives. The Cochlear promise of “Hear Now. And Always” embodies the company’s commitment to providing its recipients with the best possible hearing performance today and for the rest of their lives.”

Nicole, all of us here at Ear Community are so happy for you, knowing that you can now hear everything that you were once missing out on, says Melissa Tumblin.  I have a feeling that you will see some job promotions in your future because of your newly found self confidence now that you can hear so much better!  Good luck to you Nicole!”  – Melissa

Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director
Ear Community

Helping Luca hear better thanks to Oticon Medical and Ear Community

Luca Brooks, BMA w/BOR Syndrome, wearing his newly donated Oticon Medical Ponto Plus Power hearing device on June 6th, 2015

Luca Brooks, BMA w/BOR Syndrome, wearing his newly donated Oticon Medical Ponto Plus Power hearing device on June 6th, 2015

Meet Luca Brooks, a one and a half year old sweet baby boy from Burke, Virginia.  Luca has bilateral Microtia and Atresia and has been diagnosed with Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome.  Luca was born premature (at 34 weeks) and spent his first days in the NICU.  Today, Luca is full of energy and one of the happiest little boys anyone will ever meet.

After Luca was born, his parents, Anne Verna Brooks and Robert Brooks spent much of their time welcoming Luca into their lives and celebrated how beautiful he was.  However, Anne wondered what challenges Luca would have and if he had any additional syndromes.  Once Anne recovered, she started doing research about Microtia and Atresia and found Ear Community.  She was relieved to find so many other families dealing with the same challenges and to see so many other children just like Luca, without ears.  Once learning that Luca had hearing loss in both ears, Anne and Robert met with an audiologist and ENT to further evaluate Luca and inquire about what could be done to help him hear better.  “After almost one year of constant phone calls, letters and e-mails, by ourselves, our Audiologist, and ENT, Aetna denied us coverage for our son to have a BAHA,” said Anne.  While Luca was provided with a temporary loaner BAHA, Luca’s parents knew they needed to find help for Luca so he could hear better.

With their insurance coverage through Aetna not covering audiology visits or a BAHA, Anne and Robert applied through Ear Community for help with obtaining a BAHA for Luca.  On June 6th, 2015, Luca was fitted with an Oticon Medical Ponto Plus Power to help him hear better.  Anne and Robert have noticed already that “Luca has begun starting to mimic words a lot more now vs mostly just signing like he was before!”  Anne mentions that “while Ear Community (and Melissa) have already provided us with more emotional support and educational resources than we could have ever asked for, we are extremely grateful for also receiving help for Luca by being able to obtain a BAHA for him so he can hear better, thank you!”

A very special thank you to Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing for Oticon Medical US, for choosing to donate a new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus Power BAHA w/streamer to Ear Community so that it could be donated to little Luca to help him hear better and so that he could hear the sounds of life that will help him begin speaking more. Thank you for everyone’s support and for helping Ear Community continue with its mission of helping individuals with Microtia and Atresia. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”All of us here at Ear Community are so happy for Luca being able to hear better with his new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus Power.  We are even more excited to hear that Luca is beginning to talk more and be given the chance to experience a life with sound.   “This is just the beginning of how bright your future will be from here on out…good luck to you in your future Luca and enjoy all of the sounds of life around you!” – Melissa Tumblin.

Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director
Ear Community

Helping Annika hear better in the classroom thanks to Oticon Medical and Ear Community

Annika Silang-Ferrer, born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear, age 4.5, wearing her new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus

Annika Silang-Ferrer, born with Microtia and Atresia of her right ear, age 4.5, wearing her new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus

Meet Annika Silang-Ferrer from the Philippines. Little Annika is 4.5 years old and was born with grade III Microtia and Atresia of her right ear. Annika is a beautiful girl who is very happy and has one of the brightest smiles you will ever see. Annika looks forward to everyday and carries on playing with her older brother Alec, who thinks the world of his little sister.

When Annika was born, Annika’s parents, Alex and Grace, were surprised that she was missing her right ear. From the moment Alex and Grace left the hospital with Annika, following her birth, they both agreed that they “would mold Annika into a person with good values, with self-confidence, and full of love.” Alex and Grace focused on making sure that Annika would have everything she would need in life. They advocated for her and made sure that she had all of the right hearing tests conducted. Annika’s audiology results determined that she had a moderate to severe hearing loss (65dB) in her right ear and she was immediately scheduled for a BAHA fitting, but after learning that no further hearing tests were required at her age at the time, they stopped seeing her audiologists, especially since they could not afford the recommended BAHA that was suggested (in 2011). Annika’s parents were struggling financially and were encouraged to apply for medical assistance in the Philippines, but they were not able to qualify because they had an income, even though this income just barely covered their rent and expenses….they were considered over qualified.

Over the years, Annika’s parents learned to accept that they had to just let Annika grow up without a BAHA. As parents, they knew that they would do anything to help provide for Annika and it broke their hearts that they were unable to do something about getting her a BAHA that she needed, but they just did not know what to do….until they came across Ear Community. Not only did Annika’s family find support through Ear Community, but they also learned about the application process for obtaining a BAHA and so they applied. With Annika beginning school this coming June, they worried how she would get along because of her hearing loss. Alex and Grace focused on saving money for their children’s schooling and just didn’t have anymore funds available for a BAHA for Annika.

On April 16th, 2015, Annika was fitted with a new Ponto Plus processor w/streamer from Oticon Medical. The sounds that Annika heard while being fitted with her new BAHA made her smile even brighter than ever! “It was a whole new experience for her,” said her mother Grace. Many medical professionals and organizations came together to help make Annika’s special hearing day possible. Ear Community would like to thank Izovelle (Icee) Pieda of Oticon Medical for traveling across the Philippines to help with Annika’s fitting and for helping program her new Ponto Plus. Dr. Leah Tantoco, one of Annika’s audiologists, also helped with Annika’s fitting on her special day. A very special thank you to Tine Schou, Vice President of Marketing for Oticon Medical Denmark, who helped put Ear Community and Dr. Leah Tantoco in touch with Izovelle Pieda (of Oticon Medical) for the fitting. A very special thank you to Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing for Oticon Medical US, for choosing to donate a new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus w/streamer to Ear Community so that it could be donated to little Annika to help her hear better and so that she could thrive in school this upcoming June. Thank you for everyone’s support and for helping Ear Community continue with its mission of helping individuals with Microtia and Atresia. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

“Annika, we wish you the very best with your new Ponto Plus and we know that you will do great in school with your classmates,” stated Melissa Tumblin, Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community.

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder of Ear Community
Ear Community Board Members


Helping Hudson hear better with an Oticon Medical hearing device

Hudson Yost from China, born with Microtia and Atresia of his left ear and Hemifacial Microsomia proudly wearing his new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus w/streamer hearing device.

Hudson Yost from China, born with Microtia and Atresia of his left ear and Hemifacial Microsomia proudly wearing his new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus w/streamer hearing device.

Meet little Hudson Yost, born with Microtia and Atresia of his left ear and Hemifacial Microsomia. Hudson is 4.5 years old and lives in China with his adoptive parents, Dave and Tammi Yost. Hudson is full of energy and is quick to be friends with everyone. He is always armed with a hug and a smile. Hudson’s mother, Tammi, explains that Hudson has never been disheartened that he only has one ear. In fact, Hudson loves going to the doctor to let the doctor look at his ear, his “little” ear, as he calls it.

When Dave and Tammi first saw Hudson, it was love at first sight! Hudson was adopted about 15 months ago. Hudson is the newest addition to their family of six (with three children having special needs, including Hudson). Ever since then, the family has been focusing on getting to know Hudson better and learning Chinese better as well. Hudson’s father, Dave, is a teacher at the International Christian School in Chengdu and the family has lived there for seven years now.

Hudson’s parents have done everything they possibly can to make sure they stay on top of Hudson’s hearing loss, taking him to doctors both in China and the United States. Hudson’s latest hearing tests show that he has a profound hearing loss in his left ear in addition to a mild hearing loss in his right (non Microtic/Atretic ear), proving that he was in need of a hearing device. Tammi and Dave began noticing that Hudson was not as vocal for his age in his language (Chinese) and were concerned about his hearing and speech as he gets older. Even though the family has insurance through Cigna, Cigna only offers coverage for hearing tests and exams, but does not provide coverage for a BAHA (bone anchored hearing device). With a family of six, Tammi needed help finding a way to provide a BAHA for Hudson so he could hear better. Luckily, Tammi learned about the Ear Community Organization on a Hemifacial Microsomia support group page on Facebook and applied for Hudson to obtain a hearing device.

On March 16th, 2015, Hudson Yost was fitted with a new Oticon Medical Ponto Plus bone conduction processor w/streaming device. Hudson is overjoyed with his Ponto Plus processor and he can’t stop looking all around for all of the new sounds he is now hearing. Tammi and Dave admit that when they first adopted Hudson…they knew he was a happy child, smiling practically every minute of the day, but after being aided with a hearing device he is even happier! Tammi says, “Every morning when Hudson gets dressed he says “I want my ear!”

Many efforts were made to help little Hudson hear better with his new Ponto Plus hearing device from Oticon Medical. Ear Community would like to thank Martin Moller of Oticon for traveling across China to the city where Hudson lives, helping program and fit him with his new hearing device. We would also like to thank Professor Zheng of West China Hospital (Hauxi) for helping Hudson with his fitting and collaborating with Martin Moller and learning more about the Oticon Medical Ponto Plus w/streamer hearing device. A very special thank you to Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Oticon Medical, for choosing Ear Community as a charitable organization to donate Hudson’s hearing device to so that together, we could help Husdon hear better and give back to the Microtia and Atresia community. Thank you for your support and for helping Ear Community continue with its mission of helping individuals with Microtia and Atresia. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

“We are always happy to be able to help children and adults who have Microtia and Atresia obtain new hearing devices around the world when it is possible,” says Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community. “To be able to find the help we need and to be given the opportunity to collaborate with medical professionals internationally with help through extended divisions of Oticon Medical’s organization so that we may help bring a processor to a child afar helping them hear better is an amazing gift in itself.” says Melissa. Thank you to everyone who helped make this opportunity possible for little Hudson and his family.

Here are some memories from Hudson’s exciting day:

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director
Ear Community

Cochlear Launches Industry’s Smallest Bone Conduction Sound Processor with Innovative Technologies Designed to Make Listening Easier

The Cochlear™ Baha® 5 Sound Processor allows users to stream sound directly from iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®

Here is the direct link to the Cochlear Americas press release with VIDEOs of the product: http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7052252-cochlear-baha-5-sound-processor/

PR Newswire– Centennial, Colo., (April 7, 2015)
Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH), the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, announced today the commercial availability of the Cochlear™ Baha® 5 Sound Processor. For people who are deaf in one ear, or have conductive or mixed hearing loss, the Baha 5 Sound Processor is not only the smallest bone conduction sound processor in the industry, it is full of advanced hearing technologies designed to help users hear better than ever before.

“We are always looking for new ways to improve the quality of life of those who use our technology to hear every day,” said Chris Smith, President of Cochlear Americas. “When developing the Baha 5 Sound Processor, we conducted extensive research to determine what was most important to our customers and two words consistently rose to the top of that list – size and simplicity. So, that’s what we did. We created the industry’s smallest and smartest bone conduction sound processor with the goal of providing an improved and simplified listening experience through direct-to-device streaming from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, and automatic signal processing with our proprietary SmartSound® iQ technology.”

Made for iPhone® Now Available in Hearing Implants.  Despite advances in technology, people with hearing loss still have difficulty using the phone and depend on intermediary devices to connect their phone to their hearing device in order to hear better. For more than a year, Cochlear has provided a full range of wireless accessories that stream sound directly to the sound processor with the goal of helping Baha System users experience the true wireless freedom they have always wanted. Now, Cochlear takes it one step further by introducing the first hearing implant system that lets people stream sound, and even control their sound processor, directly from iPhone, iPad® or iPod touch®.

With this new technology, people with a Baha 5 System can enjoy music, games, movies, apps – even make a FaceTime® call to family on the other side of the world – with sound streamed straight to their sound processor. It’s easy to set up and easy to use, so people can stay connected to the devices and people they love.

A Personalized Hearing Experience with New Smart App
To further enhance the overall hearing experience only possible with Made for iPhone, Cochlear has released a new Baha 5 Smart App compatible with the Baha 5 Sound Processor for extra simplicity. With the Baha 5 Smart App, users can personalize their listening experience by adjusting and customizing the sound processor directly from iPhone. They can save programs to specific locations, adjust volume, treble and bass and even track down a misplaced sound processor – all discreetly done without having to draw attention to their sound processor.

Listening Made Easy in a Small, Discreet Package
The Baha 5 Sound Processor is designed to help users enjoy clearer, crisper sound even in noisy environments. The key to this new sound experience is the innovative SmartSound® iQ technology, which is a signal processing platform that automatically adapts to different sound environments to deliver a more comfortable listening experience and the opportunity for the best possible hearing performance in noisy situations.

All of this is packaged inside the smallest bone conduction sound processor in the industry.

The Baha 5 Sound Processor is also an award winner. It recently received the prestigious, internationally recognized Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015, which is only given to outstandingly creative, innovative and high quality products. It is a great honor for Cochlear to be presented with this award.

To learn if you may be a candidate for the Baha System, visit http://www.Cochlear.com/US/BahaSystem.

To find out more about the features of the Baha 5 Sound Processor, visit http://www.Cochlear.com/US/Baha.

About Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH)
Cochlear is the global leader in implantable hearing solutions. The company has a global workforce of 2,700 people and invests more than AUS$100 million a year in research and development. Products include hearing systems for cochlear, bone conduction and acoustic implants.

Over 350,000 people of all ages, across more than 100 countries, now hear because of Cochlear.


# # #

The Cochlear Baha 5 Sound Processor is compatible with iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad (4th generation), iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad mini and iPod touch (5th generation) using iOS 7.* or later.

Apple, the Apple logo, FaceTime, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

©Cochlear Limited 2015. All rights reserved. Hear now. And always and other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of Cochlear Limited or Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Media Contact
Kerri Lewandowski
Cochlear Americas
(512) 354-7164

How Andrew’s audiologist helped him hear better with Oticon Medical and Ear Community…

Andrew Perry (born with BMA and Treacher Collins), recipient of a new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro through Ear Community on Feb. 9th, 2015.

Andrew Perry (born with BMA and Treacher Collins), recipient of a new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro through Ear Community on Feb. 9th, 2015.

Meet Andrew Perry, an almost 14 year old who was born with Treacher Collins and bilateral Microtia and Atresia.  Andrew lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his father, Clyde, and his younger sister, Sara.  Andrew enjoys spending time with his friends and family. However, Andrew struggles with hearing conversations and lessons in the school classroom due to having a maximum conductive hearing loss in both of his ears.  Andrew struggles when trying to participate in conversations because he hears too many background sounds, causing noise, that get in the way of the words and communication that he needs to be hearing in order to understand well.  Everything blends together for Andrew.  “In addition to this, straining to hear can make someone with a hearing loss tired throughout the day,” says Melissa Tumblin, Founder of Ear Community.

Even though Andrew had one hearing device already (a Ponto Pro manufactured by Oticon Medical), he still struggled to hear everything, each day.  While not being able to afford purchasing a new BAHA, Andrew’s father, Clyde, did apply through their insurance provider, but were denied coverage for an additional BAHA.  Andrew’s father, Clyde, had noted that “Andrew’s academic performance had declined significantly over the past several months and contributes this to his inability to follow classroom instruction successfully.” Andrew’s audiologist, Dr. Brittany Whitlock, Au.D., CCC-A, of  Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat of Atlanta, P.C., knew that Andrew still needed help with his hearing regarding localizing sound with both ears.  Dr. Whitlock understands that “the brain relies on equal input from both ears in order to separate noise from speech signals.”  In an effort to help Andrew, Dr. Whitlock discovered a nonprofit organization, called Ear Community, that can often help individuals born with Microtia and Atresia obtain hearing devices when in need, and so Dr. Whitlock applied for a hearing device for Andrew.

On February 9th, 2015, Andrew was  fitted with a second Ponto Pro hearing device that was donated by Oticon Medical through the Ear Community Organization.   “By allowing Andrew to be aided with two BAHA hearing devices, he will be given the opportunity to detect soft speech sounds in both ears, helping improve his ability to localize sound and articulation and follow classroom instruction in background noise to improve his academic performance,” says Dr. Whitlock.   Already during Andrew’s first week back to school while being aided with two Ponto Pro processors, he has noticed a difference in being able to hear better!

Ear Community would like to thank Dr. Brittany Whitlock for finding our organization and helping Andrew apply for a hearing device to help him hear better.  Ear Community wishes to say a very special thank you to Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing of Oticon Medical, for donating this hearing device to Ear Community so that the foundation could help Andrew.  Thank you for your support and for helping Ear Community continue with its mission of helping the Microtia and Atresia community, including individuals born with Treacher Collins as well. While the Ear Community organization is proud to have donated Andrew’s new Oticon Medical Ponto Pro, none of this would have been possible without Oticon Medical donating this amazing hearing device to Ear Community to begin with. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life. Oticon Medical is a well respected international hearing device manufacturer that is a part of the “William Demant Group [which has] 100-plus years of experience in audiology and sound processing and established manufacturing and logistics infrastructure.”

Andrew, from all of us here at Ear Community, we wish you the best with better hearing and in doing so much better in school! “I am always amazed at how much of a difference a hearing device can make in someone’s life,..especially if they are given the opportunity and the chance to obtain one when they couldn’t at first,” says Melissa Tumblin of Ear Community.  Congratulations on hearing your best Andrew!

Thank you,
Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director
Ear Community

2015 Ear Community Picnics and Events

2015 Ear Community Microtia and Atresia Summer Family Picnics

Ear Community hosts picnics every year around the world helping bring Microtia and Atresia families together.  This year’s picnics will take place in Australia, Denmark, Pennsylvania (USA), Colorado (USA), Washington (USA), and South Africa.  It is very exciting for many families! Everyone enjoys attending our picnics and our Ear Community picnics always offer such a wonderful opportunity for Microtia and Atresia families to come together, share experiences with each other, and maybe even make a new friend.  Medical professionals such as world renown Microtia and Atresia repair surgeons, anaplastologists, ENTs, audiologists, and therapists along with the world’s leading hearing device companies all come together to mingle with us at our picnics, helping educate us on all of our options including hearing loss.

We look forward to seeing you at our Ear Community picnics this year!

Melissa Tumblin,
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community
Founder of the Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook

2015 Ear Community Picnics

EHDI Meeting
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
March 8th thru 10th, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky

The Ear Community Organization is very excited to attend the EHDI (Early Hearing Detection and Intervention) Meeting that will take place this March 8th thru the 10th in Louisville, Kentucky! This will be Ear Community’s very first conference/meeting where attending as an exhibitor! Parents and medical professionals will be in attendance hoping to learn more about hearing loss and all options. We’ll be representing Microtia and Atresia and all options!

Please stop by and visit us at booth #41. We look forward to seeing you at EHDI this year!
– Melissa Tumblin
Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community

Australia Ear Community Picnic
Melbourne, Australia
Date:  Saturday March 14th, 2015
Time:  11AM to 3PM
RSVP to Lisa and Melissa at:  AustralianEarCommunityPicnic@hotmail.com

Denmark Ear Community Picnic
Hellerup, Denmark

Date:  Sunday, May 31st, 2015
Time:  11AM to 3PM
RSVP to Melissa at:  DenmarkEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com
*  This picnic will be in collaboration with Decibel.  Decibel is the national organization for children and young people with hearing loss. The association counts both parents, relatives, professional, private and business members.  Decibel consists of a board that is responsible for the overall management of the association and a secretariat in charge of the daily performance.

Decibel er landsforeningen for børn og unge med høretab. Foreningen tæller både forældre, pårørende, professionelle, private- og erhvervsstøttemedlemmer.  Decibel består af en bestyrelse, der står for den overordnede ledelse af foreningen og et sekretariat, der står for den daglige udførelse.

Pittsburgh Ear Community Picnic
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Date:  Saturday June 13th, 2015
Time:  11AM to 3PM
RSVP to Kim and Melissa at:  PittsburghEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com

Colorado Ear Community Picnic
Broomfield, Colorado 

Date:  Saturday, July 25th, 2015
Time:  11AM to 3PM
RSVP to Melissa and Audra at:  ColoradoMicrotia@hotmail.com

Seattle Ear Community Picnic
Seattle, Washington
Date:  Saturday, August 8th, 2015
Time:  10AM to 2PM
RSVP to Jodi, Jamie, and Melissa at:  SeattleEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com

South Africa Ear Community Picnic
Johannesburg, South Africa 

Date:  Saturday, October (TBD)
Time:  11AM to 3PM (TBD)
RSVP to Mark and Melissa at:  SouthAfricaEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com

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