Ear Community proudly awards its ninth college scholarship

Rachel Ciarkowski of St. Louis, Missouri, 9th college scholarship recipient through Ear Community (fall 2018)

Ear Community is pleased to introduce Rachel Ciarkowski. Rachel is a first-year student in Physical Therapy at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Rachel was born with Microtia and Atresia of her left ear. She has not had reconstructive surgery and is unaided.  Rachel enjoys challenging herself and believes in living the dream. When she was only fifteen years old she suffered a debilitating sports injury while playing soccer. While most teenagers are looking forward to driving a car for the first time, Rachel focused all of her energies on healing her body.  This grit and determination has defined her life and willingness to overcome obstacles to reach her goals. Rachel applied to Ear Community and was named one of Ear Community’s college scholarship recipients and was awarded a scholarship that could help her complete her doctorate degree.

Rachel plans to graduate with her doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2021 and focus on pediatrics.  She has spent countless hours working with children and over the past four years she has worked as a camp counselor and team leader at a sports camp for children.  She also has spent much of her time volunteering with children with disabilities through fun and engaging sports activities. “Ear Community recognizes the importance of achieving a higher education and believes in supporting teens and young adults who wish to carry out their dreams by earning their college degree.” states Melissa Tumblin, Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community. Whenever funds are available, Ear Community is always proud to help individuals who have Microtia and Atresia with their education.” says Melissa Tumblin.

Rachel has worked tirelessly in college to get to the point she has.  She has worked through the frustrations of missing material in noisy lecture halls at school but has never let her being hard of hearing hold her back from achieving her goals.  Ear Community is proud to have been able to help Rachel by awarding her a college scholarship for $750.00 (USD). Rachel was awarded her Ear Community scholarship just in time for her first semester of her Physical Therapy program this fall. All of us at Ear Community wish you the best of luck with your education and your dream Rachel.


We are so proud of you Rachel!
Thank you,
Ear Community Board Members and
Ear Community Founder, Melissa Tumblin

Ear Community donates gently used hearing devices to the Marion Downs Center

Pictured from left to right: Melissa Tumblin (Ear Community), Dr. Sandra Gabbard (President and CEO of the Marion Downs Center), and Kathy Rawls (4th year audiology student).

On September 11th, 2018, Ear Community Founder, Melissa Tumblin, traveled to the Marion Downs Center in Denver to visit with Dr. Sandra Gabbard (audiologist and President/CEO of the Marion Downs Center) to donate (4) gently used hearing devices to help needy children and adults hear better. (2 bone conduction hearing devices, 1 cochlear implant, and 1 traditional hearing device). Our organization looks forward to publishing the stories of when these hearing devices find their new homes!

The Marion Downs Center helps provide services to the needy and to the general public who have hearing loss.  The two organizations, together, are excited to collaborate and help more children and adults hear better with the help of providing services and donated hearing devices to those in need.

Dr. Marion Downs pioneered the first national infant hearing screening program in 1963 in Denver, CO.  Dr. Downs was an exemplary teacher who lectured extensively throughout the United States and in more than fifteen foreign countries. She has published nearly 100 articles and books on various aspects of audiology, including serving as co-author of Hearing in Children, a successful textbook updated through six editions between 1972 and 2013, and translated into several foreign languages. Hearing in Children was the cornerstone for thousands of audiologists-in-training to learn how to evaluate and manage children with hearing loss. Dr. Downs is recognized internationally for her work in pediatric audiology; her publications and lectures have brought worldwide attention to the importance of early intervention for hearing loss.  She almost single-handedly alerted the medical world to the speech and language development problems associated with childhood hearing loss. In order to ensure that pediatric hearing loss would remain a priority concern for all pediatric health care professionals, in 1969, Dr. Downs proposed that a national committee be established, composed of representatives from professional hearing healthcare organizations, to periodically review and evaluate, as well as recommend “best practices” approaches, to newborn hearing screening programs. As a direct result of her visionary thinking, a national Joint Committee on Infant Hearing was organized to provide multi-disciplinary leadership and guidance for 35 years in all areas of newborn and infant hearing issues.

Our Ear Community Organization has been collaborating with the Marion Downs Center since 2015.

Thank you.
Melissa Tumblin
Founder -Executive Director
Ear Community Organization

BIG NEWS for Ear Community and the Microtia and Atresia community – We are on our way to genetic research!

BIG NEWS for our Ear Community Organization and the Microtia and Atresia community – Genetic research….here we come!

On August 30th, 2018, the Ear Community Organization received amazing news from Dr. Jon Seidman of Harvard University and of Seidman Labs (at Harvard), that the grant application that was submitted to conduct genetic research on Microtia and Atresia in Hispanic populations was accepted through the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program.  Investigator, Dr. Jon Seidman (Harvard University), along with Co-Investigators Dr. Roland Eavey (Vanderbilt University) and Melissa Tumblin of the Ear Community Organization, had applied for a couple of grants regarding conducting research in hopes of helping further discover why Microtia and Atresia may happen.  Finally, a grant has been approved to help with further research.

Drs. Jon Seidman and Roland Eavey have been conducting research on Microtia and Atresia over the past three decades.  We are hopeful that this grant through the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program will help provide the opportunity to take a closer look at any genes that may be in common to causing Microtia and Atresia.  Below is the message we received from GMKF:
“Congratulations! Your X01 application for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) titled, “The Genetics of Microtia in Hispanic Populations” has been selected to go forward, as part of the 2018 sequencing pipeline. The program will support the sequencing of approximately 400 samples from your cohort.

Your group will have sequencing done by the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard.”
– The reason for focusing on the Hispanic population is because the Hispanic population has a higher rate of occurrence with Microtia and Atresia. We also need to have a control group during research. This is just the beginning and we hope our findings will show why Microtia and Atresia happen by associating an in-common allele that may cause Microtia and Atresia. We are also hopeful for some better statistics as well. Thank you to all of the Ear Community families who signed up during our summer picnics to be a part of future research!  Grant funds will be utilized by Harvard and MIT researchers and used for testing.

We are extremely thankful for the support through the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program for selecting our grant application as one of the many grants submitted to move forward for research.  We are grateful for the support and funds that will be provided during this study for the Microtia and Atresia community.  Thank you to Drs. Seidman and Eavey for your continued dedication in researching Microtia and Atresia.  Thank you and we are so very excited about this major step toward research on Microtia and Atresia!
– Melissa Tumblin
Ear Community

Ear Community proudly awards its eighth college scholarship

James Welsh of Illinois, Ear Community college scholarship recipient, September 2018.

Meet James Welsh of Roselle, Illinois, a freshman entering his first year of college at Bradley University in Peoria, IL.  James has proven that he comes from a long line of hard-working people. James was born with Microtia and Atresia of his right ear, and even though he has struggled, his hearing loss and Microtia have never gotten in the way of his goals in life.  While James has never had reconstructive surgery and does not wear a hearing device, he has always been involved in top roles in school, has always been a hard worker, and is a confident individual. While attending Lake Park High School, James was very involved with his school’s basketball team, National Honor Society, and DECA.  In order for James to qualify for the National Honor Society, he needed to have a 4.75 GPA or higher, but he surpassed that and maintained a 5.0 GPA!

James has a lot on his plate as he volunteers at Summer camps for children with disabilities, working for Jimmy Johns, and being so active with his basketball team.  He has always loved math and is able to analyze and balance all the various tasks that require his focus. As James enters college, he plans on earning a degree in Accounting and a minor in either economics or journalism.  James says that, “the whole point of college for me is that I get a good education that I can use to make an impact on the world that I live in.”

James applied to Ear Community for our college scholarship before the end of his Senior year of High School.   “Whenever funds are available, Ear Community is always proud to help individuals who have Microtia and Atresia with their education.” says Melissa Tumblin.  “There is no doubt in my mind that James will excel at his education and in anything he puts his mind to in life”. In his application letter, James shared that he is “just ready to work hard and hurdle every obstacle that is thrown at me”.

Ear Community is proud to have been able to help James further his education by awarding him a college scholarship in the amount of $750.00 (USD).  James was awarded the Ear Community scholarship just in time for his first semester of college this fall. All of us at Ear Community wish James the best of luck with your education and with your dreams.

Thank you,
Ear Community Board Members

Thank you to Ear Community’s Amazing Sponsors for helping make our picnic events take place!

           Ear Community 2018 Sponsors

Thank you to all of the families, medical professionals, and to our sponsors who were a part of our Ear Community picnics this year (2018)! Ear Community board members hope that you enjoyed our events and that you were able to learn about the different surgical techniques (Rib Graft and Medpor and canalpasty/atresiaplasty), prosthetic ears, all of the brands of bone conduction hearing devices that are on the market and that you were able to share your experiences with other families, make some new friends, and know that you are not alone.  It is always important to remember that each decision made by each individual and family is a personal decision and each and every one of us should always support one another on our journeys for ears and hearing.  No one ever has to change their little ears if they are happy with their sweet little ears as children and adults who have Microtia and Atresia are beautiful and perfect in every way.  As a nonprofit organization, Ear Community helps educate about “all” options, including the “do nothing” option and helps promote advocacy in an unbiased manner.

This summer, Ear Community proudly hosted (7) Microtia and Atresia family picnics taking place in Sacramento, CA/El Paso, Texas/Nashville, Tennessee/Cincinnati, Ohio/Hamilton, Ontario Canada/Charleston, South Carolina and Johannesburg, South Africa, bringing over 1,000 people together.

Thank you to our amazing Ear Community Sponsors for helping make our picnics possible again this year and for supporting the Microtia and Atresia community through the Ear Community Organization!

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors:
Cochlear Americas – https://www.cochlear.com/us/home
Oticon Medical – https://www.oticonmedical.com/us

Thank you to our Silver Sponsors:
Med-EL – https://www.medel.com/us/adhear/
Stryker CMF – https://www.stryker.com/us/en/craniomaxillofacial.html
Medtronic – http://www.sophono.com/
Spokiz – http://www.spokiz.com/
Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Microtia and Atresia Clinic – https://microtiaandatresiacare.com/

Thank you and see everyone at our Ear Community picnics next year in the US!
Melissa Tumblin
Founder – Executive Director
Ear Community

John Sparacio is named President of Oticon Medical US over BAI and Cochlear Implant hearing devices

John Sparacio, named Oticon Medical US President over BAI and Cochlear Implant division

Oticon Medical, a global company in implantable hearing solutions and a member of one of the world’s largest groups of hearing healthcare companies, today announced that John Sparacio has been named as President, Oticon Medical US. (Photo: Business Wire)

SOMERSET, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oticon Medical, a global company in implantable hearing solutions and a member of one of the world’s largest groups of hearing healthcare companies, today announced that John Sparacio has been named as President, Oticon Medical US. As President, Sparacio will have responsibility for leadership of the entire US organization and the advancement of Oticon Medical’s position in bone anchored hearing systems and cochlear implant solutions in the US. He will report directly to Mikael Worning, President of William Demant Holding in the US.

“John brings a wealth of experience in managing a growing, state-of-the-art medical device company while maintaining a relentless focus on excellence and value”

Sparacio joins Oticon Medical with more than 25 years of experience in the medical device industry, including 16 successful years at Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics, a world leader in joint replacement and trauma systems. Most recently, he served as Vice President of US Sales, Trauma and Extremities where he led a team of 200+ direct employees and 500+ independent agents and redesigned the organization to accelerate growth and drive deeper penetration into key market segments.

“John brings a wealth of experience in managing a growing, state-of-the-art medical device company while maintaining a relentless focus on excellence and value,” says Worning. “His commitment to superior product innovation and customer service make him a strong complement to Oticon Medical’s already impressive management team. Together, they will help Oticon Medical reach its ambition to become the world’s leading hearing expert in implantable hearing solutions.”

Sparacio holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater and has completed executive education programs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Matrix Achievement Group.

For more information about Oticon Medical visit www.OticonMedical.com.

About Oticon Medical

Because Sound Matters . . .

Oticon Medical is a global company in implantable hearing solutions, dedicated to bringing the magical world of sound to people at every stage of life. As a member of one of the world’s largest groups of hearing care companies, we share a close link with Oticon and direct access to the latest advancements in hearing research and technologies. Our competencies span more than a century of innovations in sound processing and decades of pioneering experience in hearing implant technology.

By working collaboratively with patients, physicians and hearing care professionals, we ensure that every solution we create is designed with user needs in mind. We share an unwavering commitment to provide innovative solutions and support that enhance quality of life for people wherever life may take them. Because we know how much sound matters.


TagTeam Global
Sara Coulter, 201-447-5531

Please visit the following link for more details:  https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180730005144/en/Oticon-Medical-Names-John-Sparacio-President

Ear Community Co-Founders donate toys to children’s Microtia and Atresia clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Hailey and Ally Tumblin of Ear Community donate toys to Vanderbilt’s Microtia and Atresia clinic and conference.

Co-Founders of Ear Community, Hailey (age 11) and Ally (age 8.5) Tumblin and our Ear Community Organization are so excited and proud to be donating toys to the Vanderbilt Microtia and Atresia Clinic! Hailey and Ally are wearing their “Microtia Kids Rock” t-shirts in this picture and are surrounded by lots of NEW toys that we picked out together (the dresses and shoes are donated by Hailey and Ally). We have hula hoops, Nerf foot balls, dinosaurs ,toy cars, doctor kits, books, cards, Uno, Jenga, foam blocks, a tunnel, My Pony’s, Barbie Dolls in different ethnicities…even a Ken doll, a huge crayon kit, lots of dress up clothes and princess shoes and crowns, play dish set, alphabet puzzles, stuffed animals, and butterfly and ladybug wings. 🙂 These toys will also be available at each year’s Vanderbilt Microtia and Atresia Conference that takes place at the Children’s Hospital.

We will be bringing all of these items with us when we attend the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Microtia and Atresia Clinic and 3rd Annual conference this July in Nashville. We are happy to provide these toys for other Microtia and Atresia kids and we are happy to give back to the Microtia and Atresia community through Vanderbilt.
– Melissa, Hailey, and Ally Tumblin
Founders of the Ear Community Organization
Ear Community

Figure skating lessons warm the hearts of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children through the Ear Community Organization and Columbine Figure Skating Club

D/HH figure skating program that Miss Ashley Mikelsen was able to obtain the Prudential “Building Bridges” grant for.

This January, the Columbine Figure Skating Club in Colorado was awarded the Prudential “Building Bridges” grant that enabled CFSC to introduce the sport of figure skating to the deaf and hard of hearing community.  Ashley Mikelsen, one of Columbine Figure Skating Club’s coaches, who is deaf, wanted to introduce D/HH children to the sport of figure skating who have hearing loss like her.  When Ashley and CFSC heard they were awarded the “Building Bridges” grant for $15,000.00, they reached out to the Ear Community Organization where the two organizations collaborated together to help bring together over 20 children, ranging from age 5 to 17, providing them with 2.5 months of donated figure skating lessons.  These future figure skaters were given the opportunity to learn basic skills on up to intermediate level skating skills at the Apex Recreation Center ice arena in Arvada, CO.  ASL interpreters were also provided while on the ice for these skaters from the Rocky Mountain School for the Deaf and Adams 12 School District.  Thank you to Maribeth Lavender, Laura Odom, and Kyla Paterson for providing ASL for these children.  Lessons were provided during the months of February through May with students participating in the spring ice skating show that took place on May 5th, 2018.  This year’s spring figure skating show was called

Coach Ashley Mikelsen with student, Ally Tumblin

“Skating Around the World” which focused on skating performances featuring themes from Africa, Ireland, the North Pole, Austria, Egypt, Japan, Brazil, and the United States.  The show featured skaters from all over local Colorado skating clubs to junior figure skating champions including Kaitlyn Kenyon Hoppal and Alex Wellman.  These children were very lucky to receive their coaching from some of the very best figure skaters at Columbine Figure Skating Club.  A special thank you to the coaches who helped these children during this program:  Britney Simpson, Liz Scott, Patti Snyder, Bernie Creevey, Lena Nguyen, Maia Brown, and Kaitlyn Hamlin.  It was quite the privilege for the kids to learn their choreography and dance routines for the ice skating show from renown coaches whom many are USFS freestyle competing champions and national champions, who have worked for Disney on Ice and skated in the Holiday Ice Follies, and who are past USFS and ISU double gold medalists.

Jennifer Betz of the Columbine Figure Skating Club reached out to Melissa Tumblin of Ear Community for help regarding sharing this wonderful opportunity with the D/HH community.  Melissa was able to reach out through her organization’s social media and support groups and also her daughter’s school district to reach out to families about the program.  A very special thank you to Kim Nelson for volunteering to help each week at lessons and for coordinating, obtaining, and assigning each child’s costume and sizes and for helping out with props for the ice show.  Thank you to everyone involved who came together to make this a fun program for these children and to make it successful!  The Ear Community Organization was proud to be a part of this community program for the D/HH.

Children who participated in the D/HH program enjoyed being given FREE Apex Recreation Center punch cards to further their figure skating skills even more.  Each lesson included snacks and recognition certificates, skating medals, and trophies.  After participating in the ice skating show, these lucky children were also allowed to keep their costumes that they skated in!  The program was amazing and priceless for helping bring the D/HH community together while introducing these children to figure skating.  A special thank you to Jennifer Betz of Columbine Figure Skating Club and to Melissa Tumblin of Ear Community for working together to bring this opportunity to life for these amazing kids!  Thank you to Allison Barwick of Adams 12 School District for helping us spread the word through both Broomfield and Arvada schools and for helping us translate our brochure for Spanish speaking families.   Thank you to Peggy Heath and Julia Faliano of Moutnain View Elementary School for helping spread the word to school families.  A special thank you to Prudential, Columbine Figure Skating Club, Apex Recreational Center, Rocky Mountain Deaf School, US Figure Skating, and the Ear Community Organization for helping make everything possible for this wonderful D/HH program for the community to be a part of.

Here are some fun memories from this amazing program!

The Ear Community Organization

Ear Community kicks off its 2018 Microtia and Atresia summer family picnics

Ear Community 2018 Sponsors

The Ear Community Organization hosts multiple Microtia and Atresia summer family picnics each summer in the United States and in other countries.  Since 2011, the organization has hosted nearly 50 family and professional events that help educate families on all of the options for Microtia and Atresia, bringing them together to share experiences and so each family knows they are not alone.  Our events welcome children and adults who have Microtia and Atresia, including their families, medical professionals such as ENT/Otololaryngologists/Neurotologists, audiologists, anaplastologists, plastic surgeons, therapists and early intervention providers, and teachers of the D/HH.  Ear Community has hosted family picnics all over in the United States, and in Canada, including Denmark, Australia, Spain, the UK, and in South Africa.

Our FREE family events give families the opportunity to find answers to their questions as medical professionals mingle with us, learning more about reconstructive options and prosthetic ear options.  Families are also given the opportunity to try on the latest bone conduction hearing devices from all of the manufacturers that are currently on the market.  Our sponsors are proud to be a part of our family and community events, helping educate everyone on the amazing options that are available today.  A special thank you to our amazing Ear Community sponsors for helping make our events possible and for supporting the Microtia and Atresia community through the Ear Community Organization.
Thank you to our Ear Community Platinum Sponsors:
Cochlear Americas – helping educate families on the NEW Baha 5 and SoundArc sound processors for conductive hearing loss (also helpful for loved ones who have sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss).
Oticon Medical – helping educate families on the NEW Ponto 3 Superpower and Ponto series of sound processors for conductive hearing loss (also helpful for loved ones who have sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss).

Thank you to our Ear Community Silver Sponsors:
MED-EL – helping educate families on the NEW ADHEAR sound processor for conductive hearing loss.
Stryker CMF – helping educate families on the Medpor ear implant for outer ear reconstructive surgery.

A special thank you to Medtronic for helping make our events special with the Alpha 2 MPO sound processor!

Beginning this Saturday, June 23rd, 2018, Ear Community kicks off it’s first picnic of the summer in Sacramento, CA.
Our picnic line up for this summer follows:
Saturday, June 23rd – Sacramento, CA.  To RSVP:   EarCommunityCaliforniaPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, July 21st – El Paso, TX.  To RSVP:  EarCommunityELPasoPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, July 21st – Nashville, TN.  *  This picnic is in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Microtia and Atresia Clinic and Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital.  We’ll have an educational conference for families from 8:30AM to 12:45PM, followed by our Ear Community picnic beginning at 1:00PM to 5:00PM.  To RSVP:  TennesseeEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, July 28th – Cincinnati, OH.  To RSVP:   OhioEarCommunityPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, July 28th – Hamilton, Ontario Canada.  To RSVP:  EarCommunityCanadaPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, August 11th – Charleston, SC.  To RSVP:  EarCommunityCharlestonPicnic@gmail.com
Saturday, September 29th – Johannesburg, South Africa.  To RSVP:  viola@giveanearfoundation.org

Thank you again to all of our sponsors for making our events possible and for supporting children and adults and their families who have Microtia and Atresia!
The Ear Community Organization

Ear Community Teams walk to support hearing loss in Walk4Hearing events for the HLAA

Team Ear Community Colorado on June 10th, 2018 supporting hearing loss and raising awareness about Microtia and Atresia in the Walk4Hearing.













The Ear Community Organization is one of the many organizations who is an Alliance Member with the HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America) that help bring community’s together to help raise funds to support loved ones who have hearing loss during their walks.  Each year, family and friends, including organizations, come together to support individuals and loved ones who have hearing loss during Walk4Hearing events.  These walks not only offer the opportunity for the community to come together all over the nation, but they also give everyone the chance to make amazing memories and enjoy a day of fun, together.  For the past four years, Ear Community has partnered with the Hearing Loss Association of America in their Walk4Hearing events.  On Sunday, June 10th, Ear Community’s Colorado team walked in the Walk4Hearing in Littleton, CO, helping raise $2,575.00 funds to help individuals with hearing loss.  Our Ear Community Colorado team enjoyed being a part of the walk and currently has 25 team members.  Our Colorado team members wore their “Microtia Kids Rock” t-shirts during the walk.

Walk4Hearing walks mean a lot to the individuals who participate in them.  They give people the chance to promote awareness about hearing loss and they give walkers the opportunity to support a cause that is near and dear to their hearts.  When creating teams, walkers have a great time because they get to show who they are, what they are proud of, and how much they care about supporting individuals with hearing loss.  Many teams fund raise to help give back to the HLAA and the hearing loss community too.  The funds raised help make amazing things possible such as providing hearing devices and providing helpful services for individuals in need.

To broaden community involvement, the HLAA believes in bringing as many supportive organizations together as possible at its walks through the National Alliance member program.  National Alliance team members can help more people make a bigger difference, providing an even more positive impact in the community, together.  Ear Community team members walk to support the HLAA and hearing loss in the community, but also support the cause for Microtia and Atresia.  Founder and Executive Director of Ear Community, Melissa Tumblin, says “Helping educate and understand different types of hearing loss really can help the community be more accepting and understanding.  Individuals and their families also want to have a community to belong to and enjoy coming together at events like Walk4Hearing walks.  HLAA walks are amazing in the way that they bring so many wonderful organizations together, all who support hearing loss and who enjoy making a difference as a team effort on a national level.”

Team Cutie Pies for the 2018 Long Beach, CA Walk4Hearing, 225 team members walked to support loved ones who have hearing loss.

Ear Community Alliance teams take their walks very seriously, while still managing to have fun at the same time.  One of Ear Community’s California teams in Long Beach, “Team Cutie Pies,” walk every June with children who were born with Microtia and Atresia.  Together, D/HH families, teachers, and early intervention therapists from a local D/HH school district and EI program called P.I.E.S in North Orange County, come together to help raise awareness about both Microtia and hearing loss.  “Team Cutie Pies” has had a Walk4Hearing team for the past four years and includes the Bayan and Orozco families and one of the county’s teachers, Elizabeth Desloge.  On June 9th, 2018, team “Cutie Pies” raised over $7,000 during the Long Beach area walk.  Another

Team Courtney’s Crew, waling to support hearing loss and raise awareness about Microtia and Atresia.

Ear Community Alliance team is “Courtney’s Crew” who walk in NYC each September.  Courtney Muchow was born with Microtia and Atresia and wanted to organize a team to help raise awareness.  This past September, Courtney fractured her ankle and still walked with a smile in the NYC walk because Walk4hearing events mean that much to her!  Courtney says “Hearing matters!”  Courtney’s team includes her friends Sammy, Madi, and Katherine and her family.  They always have a great time at each walk and enjoy spending the afternoon in the city.

In addition to Walk4Hearing walks being so important to the team members who organize them, some individuals have an even deeper appreciation for being involved.  Ear Community Board of Director Member, Kristy Smith, says “Getting involved with the Hearing Loss Association of America has been truly amazing and a blessed opportunity.  From meeting new people, to raising money, and spreading awareness.  There are so many people that need to know the HLAA is here to support anyone of any age, of any type of hearing loss, and that Ear Community can help those who have Microtia and Atresia.”  Three years ago, Kristy started the team “Our Nemos” in Arizona to help support both the HLAA and Ear Community.  This

Kristy Smith, Board Member for the Ear Community Organization, with her daughter, Olivia, raising awareness about Microtia and Atresia at the Walk4Hearing.

November, Kristy was interviewed at the Arizona Walk4Hearing about Microtia and Atresia where she also spoke about National Microtia Awareness Day.  “Being a part of both organizations has helped confirm that this is where I belong.  I enjoyed being a part of Arizona’s hearing loss community, bringing families together, and showing other families to be proud and support our children with little ears.”

Here are some memories from our Colorado Ear Community team Walk4Hearing that took place on Sunday, June 10th, 2018 in Littleton, CO:

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