Kavya Sharma of New Delhi, India received 2 new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing devices on June 5th, 2017 through the Ear Community Organization.
Ear Community is honored to introduce everyone to our latest Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing device recipient, adorable Kavya Sharma! Kavya is almost two years old and lives in New Delhi, India with her father Ajay and mother Savita. Kavya was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia, as well as Hemifacial Microsomia and a hole in her heart. She had a rough start, and spent a lot time in the hospital with feeding tubes and oxygen therapy.
Savita reached out to Ear Community in the Spring of 2017, asking if there was any way for us to help her daughter to hear. At this time, most of Kavya’s other health related issues have been resolved, but she still couldn’t hear. With bilateral Microtia and Atresia, Kavya could not hear her parents tell her that they love her, she struggled with speech development; and Savita worried about how Kavya would develop friendships and how she would be able to learn at school. She took Kavya to a specialist in Delhi where it was suggested that a bone conduction device could help Kavya to hear and speak because she was not speaking at all.
On June 5th, 2017, Ear Community is proud to have donated two brand new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing devices to Kavya so she can have full access to sound. Thanks to Dr. Niraj Kumar at the AIMS hospital in Safdarjung, Delhi, India for donating the time to fit the devices to Kavya. He has spent so much time helping Kavya and her family gain the auditory tools she needs. This precious little girl has already struggled to get to where she is, and we are thrilled to be able to help her on her journey.
Ear Community would like to thank Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing for Oticon Medical US, for giving our organization the opportunity to help Kavya hear better. A very special thank you to Beverly Ostrowski of Oticon Medical for helping work with us to improve lives with better hearing. Thank you to Ear Community’s donors and to the friends and relatives to the late Curt Gorman (past President of Oticon Medical US) who have also helped make it possible for hearing device recipients, like beautiful little Kavya, receive the gift of hearing. Thank you Oticon Medical for helping donate hearing devices to charity organization’s like Ear Community so we can help children hear better! Thank you!
Congratulations, Kavya, now the world is completely open to you and you will be able to hear all of the beautiful sounds it has to offer. We are so happy that you can now hear your parent’s voices, and will be able to get the education you deserve.
- Kavya Sharma of New Delhi, India received 2 new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing devices on June 5th, 2017 through the Ear Community Organization.
- Kavya and her father, Ajay, at her fitting when she received 2 Oticon Medical Ponto 3’s so she could hear better.
- Kavya Sharma of New Delhi, India wearing her newly donated Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing devices donated through Ear Community on June 5th, 2017.
The Ear Community Organization
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