The VUMC MAC clinic from left: Ron Eavey MD SM (ENT Clinical Director and Chair), Brandy Stephens AuD, Melissa Tumblin (Ear Community), Sharon Johnson RN, Scott Stephan MD , Keisha Conway (clinical coordinator), Stephanie Claybrooks RN, Alejandro Rivas MD and Meghan Geiser ENT admin.
On Saturday, July 20th, 2019, Vanderbilt University Medical Center hosted the 4th Annual Microtia and Atresia educational conference at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital. We had nearly 100 parents and individuals join us this year at our MAC (Microtia Atresia Clinic) conference. Attendees learned about all of the options available for Microtia and Atresia and were able to meet with medical professionals to get answers to their questions. A parent panel helped families who have had surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center share their experiences with conference attendees. On site childcare was available for FREE during the conference, providing entertainment and fun crafts for children who attended. ASL and closed captioning was available.
The conference included presentations made by the following Microtia and Atresia Clinic staff members:
Ron Eavey, MD, SM (ENT Clinical Director) – Welcome, Microtia and Atresia research, rib graft surgery including soft tissue repair
Scott Stephan, MD – Medpor outer ear reconstruction and CAM (Canalplasty w/Medpor one stage surgery) and what to expect
Alejandro Rivas, MD – Canalplasty, aural atresia repair, CAM (Canalplasty and Medpor one stage surgery) and BAI hearing devices
Brandy Stephens, AuD – Hearing management and bone anchored hearing implants
Scott Fiscus, BCO – Anaplastology and ear prosthesis
Parent Panel
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