Sesethu Myakade, age 12, born with bilateral microtia and atresia in South Africa wearing her (2) newly donated Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpowers, April 4th, 2018
Meet Sesethu Myakade from South Africa. Sesethu is 12 years old and was born with bilateral Microtia and Atresia. While she is surrounded by much love from her family, she has lost both of her parents in recent years and lives with her Aunt now. Sesethu struggles to hear her family and friends communicating and to hear all of the sounds that surround her every day.
Sesethu’s family was able to make contact with a wonderful organization in South Africa called Give An Ear Foundation, and reached out to Viola Nwadike, the Founder, and asked for help for Sesethu. Viola was familiar with the Ear Community Organization in the United States and knew how Ear Community also helps children born with Microtia and Atresia from all over the world obtain hearing devices. So, Viola applied on behalf of Sesethu in hopes of helping her hear better. Through the help and commitment of both the Give An Ear Foundation and the Ear Community Organization, both nonprofits were able to find help for Sesethu, together. The Ear Community Organization and Give an Ear Foundation contacted Innocent Mbambani of the Operation Smile South Africa who made the arrangements for Sesethu to make it to the audiologist to have her brand-new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 SuperPower hearing devices programmed and fitted.
On April 4th of 2018, just after Easter, Sesethu traveled to Claremont Audiology with Operation Smile to receive Sesethu’s new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 SuperPower hearing devices that were donated through the Ear Community Organization. Ear Community wishes to thank Ceri Soulsby (Audiologist) for donating her time and services to help fit and program Sesethu’s newly donated Oticon Medical Ponto 3 SuperPower hearing devices and streaming device. Kaylini Naidoo of Oticon Medical was very involved in helping Sesethu receive her Ponto’s, and while she was unable to attend the fitting, she made sure that Sesethu was taken care of by Dr. Soulsby.
The saying, “it takes a village” truly fits Sesethu’s situation. With no parents to advocate for her, Sesethu has been able to be cared for by so many in her life. Her sweet Aunt who has supported her through this journey. After 12 years of waiting to be able to hear, finally Sesethu was given this miracle to hear life around her and be able to celebrate. Thank you to Viola Nwadike in facilitating much of the behind the scenes. Thank you to Dr. Ceri Soulsby who made sure that Sesethu’s (2) Oticon Medical Ponto 3 SuperPowers were programmed to give Sesethu optimum sound. Thank you to Innocent Mbambani who helped Sesethu get to the appointments she needed, Kaylini Naidoo from Oticon Medical who has helped every step of the way and thank you to Beverly Ostrowski of Oticon Medical (US) for making sure Sesethu received her stuffed Oticon Medical monkey and some fun treats. The many others who have worked hard to help Sesethu hear better rejoiced on April 4th and were touched to see her face when she could hear through her new Pontos. She was thrilled when her brand-new Ponto 3 SuperPowers were turned on and place on her head, her face lit up and everyone in the room could see and feel the joy coming from Sesethu. Viola Nwadike thanked everyone who had made it possible and worked so hard for Sesethu to be able to have access to sound.
A very special thank you to Alan Raffauf, Vice President of Marketing and Operations for Oticon Medical US, for choosing to donate the new Oticon Medical Ponto 3 Superpower hearing devices w/streamer to Ear Community so that they could be donated to Sesethu to help her hear better from here on out. Thank you for everyone’s support and for helping Ear Community continue with its mission of helping individuals with Microtia and Atresia. Oticon Medical believes in helping individuals with hearing loss so that they can live a better quality of life.
Thank you again to everyone who was involved in helping change Sesethu’s life! Here’s to not missing a beat Sesethu…. everyone is so happy for you to be hearing so much better now! You deserve to hear sweet girl.
- Sesethu, age 12.
- Sesethu with her Aunt and Dr. Ceri Soulsby, April 4th, 2018.
- Sesethu, age 6.
Congratulations Sesethu!
Ear Community Board Members
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