2023 Ear Community Microtia and Atresia Summer Family Picnics
Ear Community hosts picnics every year around the world helping bring Microtia and Atresia families together. This year’s picnics will take place in the United States in San Mateo, California/ Raleigh, North Carolina/ Plano, Texas/ Brookline, Massachusetts/ Nashville, Tennessee/ and Oakville, Ontario Canada! It is very exciting for many families! Everyone enjoys attending our picnics and our Ear Community picnics always offer such a wonderful opportunity for Microtia and Atresia families to come together, share experiences with each other, and maybe even make a new friend. Medical professionals such as world renown Microtia and Atresia repair surgeons, anaplastologists, ENTs, audiologists, and therapists along with the world’s leading hearing device companies all come together to mingle with us at our picnics, helping educate us on all of our options including hearing loss.
Our events are held outdoors providing a relaxed environment and so the kids can play.
A special thank you to our amazing Ear Community Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsor – Cochlear Americas
Gold Sponsor – Oticon Medical
Silver Sponsor – MED-EL USA
Thank you to Southern Implants for being a part of our Ear Community events this year!
*** This year’s Ear Community events are made possible thanks to our organization’s proud Sponsors, Donor Organizations and our Community Contributors! Without the continued support of our sponsors, donor organizations and community contributors, we would not be able to bring our Microtia and Atresia families together at our events as we have done for the past decade. We also would not be able to work on all of the research and studies that our organization contributes to that help benefit our community in the future. Ear Community is thankful and appreciates the continued support from all of our supporters! Your support means the world to our families, our community and to our organization! ***
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Ear Community picnics this year!
Melissa Tumblin,
Founder and Executive Director
Ear Community
Microtia and Atresia Support Group on Facebook
2023 Picnics and Events
Oticon Medical Advocate Meeting
San Diego, California
February 24th – 26th, 2023
North Dakota School for the Deaf Resource Center
Ear Community is a guest speaker about bullying
Date: Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
Time: 6:30PM Central Time
Location: Zoom event
To RSVP, email: Tami.Iszler@k12.nd.us
American Cleft Palate Association
80th Annual Meeting
Raleigh/Chapel Hill, North Carolina
May 1st – May 6th, 2023
* Ear Community will be attending this
conference as a member of the CARE Study Team
grant working on research for microtia, atresia and
craniofacial microsomia with Seattle Children’s Hospital.
California Ear Community Picnic
San Mateo, California
Date: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
Time: 11AM to 3PM
In collaboration with Stanford!
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
North Carolina Ear Community Picnic
Raleigh, North Carolina
Date: Saturday, June 17th, 2023
Time: 11AM to 3PM
In collaboration with Chapel Hill!
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
Texas Ear Community Picnic
Plano, Texas
Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2023
Time: 10:30AM to 2:30PM
In collaboration with the Dallas Hearing Institute!
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
Massachusetts Ear Community Picnic
Brookline, Massachusetts
Date: Saturday, June 24th, 2023
Time: 11AM to 3PM
In collaboration with Harvard!
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
Canada Ear Community Picnic
Oakville, Ontario
Date: Saturday, July 22nd, 2023
Time: 11AM to 3PM
In collaboration with Sunnybrook!
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
Tennessee Ear Community Picnic
Nashville, Tennessee
Date: Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Time: 8:30AM to 12:30PM (conference) and 1PM to 5PM (picnic)
RSVP to Melissa at: EarCommunity@gmail.com
* This Ear Community picnic will be in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Microtia & Atresia conference that will take place at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (in the Children’s Hospital). This conference is a wonderful opportunity to learn about all of your options for Microtia & Atresia. A special thank you to Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt for helping host our Microtia and Atresia event.
Osseo 2023
8th International Conference on Bone Conduction Hearing & Related Technologies
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Denver, Colorado
Date: September 6th – 9th, 2023
Hosted by Dr. Stephen Cass, Ally’s ENT!
Ear Community has been invited as a guest speaker. For more details about this conference, please click here.
National Microtia and Atresia Awareness Day
Every November 9th!
* Raise awareness with us throughout the United States and across
the world!
* See our home page links on when to order t-shirts and accessories
for our special day! (orders are usually during mid Sept. thru mid Oct.)
San Mateo, California (USA)
June 3rd, 2023
We had a wonderful time at our California Ear Community Microtia and Atresia picnic in San Mateo this past Saturday! It was amazing with nearly 200 attendees coming from all parts of California and from Nebraska, Florida, Colorado, Texas and Japan! It was a beautiful 80 degree sunny day! The kids enjoyed a fun magic act and getting their faces painted and balloons animals made with lunch! All of our microtia and atresia families enjoyed coming together and watching the kids play. Most importantly – knowing you are not alone with microtia and atresia and learning about all of your options! We also talked about how to support Ally’s Act, H.R. 2439 and S. 1135!

- Katie and Samantha Wolff – our picnic hostsf
- The Wolff Family – our Ear Community picnic host family
- Melissa Tumblin with Congressman Mullin and Samantha and Katie Wolff at the Ear Community picnic
- Fun face painting
- Fun with a magician
- Ear Community magician
- Melissa Tumblin speaking at the San Mateo Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community family from Japan
- Ear Community family
- Ear Community members Elia and Krystal and family
- Melissa and Ally Tumblin with Congressman Mullins and Ally’s Act
- Ear Community families
- Ear Community picnic
- Dr. Youssef Tahiri with Ally Tumblin of Ear Community
- Ear Community friends Sara, Maria and Melissa
- Ally and Marilyn
- William and his mom
- Drs. Kay Chang of Stanford and Youssef Tahiri
- Ear Community picnic
- Stanford microtia and atresia clinic
- Ear Community table
- Oticon Medical at Ear Community picnic
- Oticon Medical
- MED-EL at Ear Community
- Cochlear at Ear Community
- Cochlear Americas
- James Hermsen at Ear Community picnic with eyeglasses for microtia kids
- Alee Caps at Ear Community picnic
- Southern Implants
- Melissa Tumblin with Drs. Tahiri, Truong and Chang at Ear Community picnic
- Alee Capps
- Dr. Truong with kids at Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community picnic
- Ally Tumblin at the California Ear Community picnic
- Anaplastologist James Ho
- Ally Tumblin with Dr. Mai Thy Truong at the California Ear Community picnic
- Dr. Youssef Tahiri with Ally Tumblin in Boston for Ear Community event
- Ally Tumblin with Dr. Mai Thy Truong at the California Ear Community picnic
- Dr. Youssef Tahiri with Ally Tumblin in Boston for Ear Community event
Raleigh, North Carolina (USA)
June 17th, 2023
Thank you to Dr. Shannon Culbertson & Chris Bowman for hosting our Raleigh, North Carolina Ear Community microtia & atresia picnic today! Shannon & Chris were both born with microtia & atresia & both have graduated from UNC – Chapel Hill are in the hearing health care industry! Shannon is an audiologist is off to medical school at the University of Virginia (UVA) planning to become an ENT! They are both amazing individuals & some pretty awesome role models within our community! Both, Dr. Culbertson & Chris have also been advocating for Ally’s Act, H.R. 2439/S. 1135 too!
It was a beautiful day with about 120 people attending our special day! Families enjoyed lunch & lots of fun with painted faces, balloon art & a magic show! Families mingled with medical professionals, learned about prosthetic ears & the latest in bone conduction hearing systems!
MED-EL USA (our Silver Sponsor) – ADHEAR & the BONEBRIDGE System
Jay McClennen with ProstheticRX & the Duke University Medical Center craniofacial department educated us on prosthetic ears! Drs. Amelia Drake & Carlton Zdanski answered questions about the microtia & atresia clinic at UNC – Chapel Hill! NC Beginnings also joined helping families in the D/HH community! We also had the Kroeger Family talk about how they are advocating for Ally’s Act, H.R. 2439/S. 1135! Alexis Kroeger along with her parents met with Congressman Chuck Edwards yesterday in person asking him to cosponsor Ally’s Act & they want to help other families advocate for this bill that will help thousands of microtia & atresia children & adults hear!

- Dr. Shannon Culbertson and Christopher Bowman, our North Carolina Ear Community picnic hosts
- Dr. Shannon Culbertson and Christopher Bowman, our North Carolina Ear Community picnic hosts
- Melissa Tumblin with Amy Schefer, Christopher Bowman and Dr. Shannon Culbertson in Raleigh, NC.
- Raleigh, North Carolina Ear Community picnic
- Christopher Bowman and Dr. Shannon Culbertson with Ear Community
- Raleigh Ear Community picnic
- Raleigh Ear Community microtia picnic
- Ear Community anaplastology table at Raleigh picnic
- Ear Community anaplastology option
- picnic
- Ear Community Raleigh event
- Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community Raleigh event
- Ear Community microtia event
- Oticon Medical at Ear Community Raleigh event
- Raleigh Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community picnic
- Raleigh Ear Community microtia picnic
- Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Raleigh picnic
- Ear Community Raleigh picnic
- Ear Community Raleigh picnic Sponsors
- Ear Community Raleigh picnic
Plano, Texas (USA)
June 24th, 2023
Thank you to Eli & Joy & their beautiful family his Family (Al (dad) & sisters Emira & Evangelina) for hosting our Texas Ear Community picnic in Plano! Eli was born with microtia & atresia & is an amazing role model in our community! Eli is also a grey belt in Jiujitsu & loves to compete & win! Eli talked with families about his journey with microtia & atresia, sharing his experience. The Torrico Family have been members of our Ear Community Organization since Eli was a baby, attending multiple Ear Community picnics over the years! Al Torrico has given back to our organization by donating his time as our official Ear Community photographer, taking amazing pictures & capturing our special days perfectly, every time!!! Thank you for being amazing friends – you are like family to the Tumblin Family!
MED-EL USA (our Silver Sponsor) – ADHEAR & the BONEBRIDGE System
Ashley Homan from Mosaic Prosthetics educated us on prosthetic ears! I’m sure many of you have seen the show “Body Parts” on the TLC network – Mosaic Prosthetics is Allison Vest’s practice! Ashlynn Stevens joined us from the Dallas Ear Institute!

- The Torrico Family – our Texas Ear Community picnic host family
- Eli, our awesome picnic host!
- Ear Community Texas microtia and atresia picnic
- Eli and his sister, one of his biggest fans!
- Eli sharing his experience with a parent
- Plano, Texas Ear Community picnic
- Joy Torrico, our picnic host making announcements
- Joy and Emira Torrico at our Ear Community picnic
- Texas Ear Community picnic
- Balloon fun at Texas Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community picnic magic
- Joy advocating for microtia and atresia with Ear Community
- Ear Community picnic fun
- Cochlear Americas at the Texas Ear Community picnic
- Oticon Medical at Texas Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community microtia picnic
- Ear Community Texas event
- Making new friends at an Ear Community picnic in Texas
- A beauty at an Ear Community Texas picnic
- Magic show fun with Ear Community Texas
- Fun with Ear Community in Texas
- Fun with Ear Community in Texas
- Fun with Oticon Medical and Ear Community
- Balloon art with Ear Community
- Texas Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Friends with Ear Community
- Magic show fun with Ear Community
- Anaplastology with Mosaic Prosthetics at an Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community Texas fun
- Texas Ear Community picnic
- Texas Ear Community picnic fun
- Ear Community awareness day wristbands for microtia and atresia
- Ear Community family with Oticon Medical
- Ear Community friends in Texas
- Cochlear Americas with Ear Community and Vistafix prosthetic ears
- Oticon Medical at Texas Ear Community picnic
- Cochlear Americas and Ear Community
- Ear Community families
- Ear Community friends
- Ear Community Texas family
- Ear Community microtia picnic venue in Texas
Brookline, Massachusetts (USA)
June 24th, 2023
Wyatt & his mom, Samantha Sclafani & their family (dad Rich and sister Tatum) hosted our special day for our microtia & atresia community! We had families join us from the Boston area including Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Oregon, New Jersey, California & Colorado! Wyatt was born with microtia & atresia & is an amazing role model in our community! Wyatt is on the Varsity football team in high school & is a talented skate boarder! We had a family come just to take a picture with Wyatt so their son could show others at his school that he is not the only one with microtia & atresia! Samantha Sclafani is an amazing mother & advocate in our community & has become an incredibly close friend to me! This was the second time the Sclafani Family hosted our picnic!
MED-EL USA (our Silver Sponsor) – ADHEAR & the BONEBRIDGE System
Researcher, Barbara McDonough, from our Harvard genetics research team joined us & answered questions for families about microtia & our new findings! Kaylee Dougherty of Boston Occular Prosthetics educated us about prosthetic ears! Dr. Youssef Tahiri from Beverly Hills flew in to be with us & answered questions about outer ear reconstruction! We had Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing join, lots of repeat Ear Community picnic families in their microtia & atresia awareness day shirts & one super cute service dog!

- The Sclafani Family – our Boston Ear Community picnic hosts
- Wyatt Sclafani with a new friend who looks up to him
- Wyatt, Kim and Ellen sharing their experiences with other families
- Getting genetics information at the Boston Ear Community picnic with Barbara McDonough from Harvard
- The Paderson Family
- Ear Community Boston Family
- Boston Ear Community friends
- Ally at the Boston Ear Community picnic
- Dr. Youssef Tahiri, Barbara McDonough (Harvard) and Melissa Tumblin at the Boston Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community friends
- Ear Community Boston picnic friends
- Cochlear Americas at the Boston Ear Community picnic with service dog
- Oticon Medical at the Ear Community Boston picnic
- MED-EL at the Boston Ear Community picnic
- Kaylee our Ear Community anaplastologist in Boston
- Anaplastology option at Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community in Bost at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Boston Family
- A Boston Ear Community beauty
- A Boston Ear Community beauty
- A Boston Ear Community beauty
- Boston Ear Community Family
- Fun times with Ear Community in Boston
- Sister fun with Ear Community
- Ear Community picnic family
- Dr. Youssef Tahiri with Ally and Melissa Tumblin in Boston with Ear Community
- Ear Community Boston Family picnic
- Ear Community Massachusetts picnic
- New friends with Ear Community
- New Ear Community family
- BAHA tattoos on parents at Ear Community Boston picnic
- Fun with Ear Community in Massachusetts
- Cochlear Americas service dog at Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community Boston microtia picnic
- Fun in Boston with Ear Community
- Fun in Boston with Ear Community
- Boston Ear Community picnic
- Dr. Tahiri and an early intervention teacher at the Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community fun
- Boston Ear Community picnic
July 15th, 2023
Our 7th Annual Vanderbilt/Ear Community Microtia & Atresia conference & picnic that took place last Saturday in Nashville was AMAZING! Our picnic host & Ear Community Board Member, Rachel Bernhard, did a wonderful job hosting & was recognized for her work with Ear Community & on Ally’s Act! Noelle McFarland, singer/songwriter & Ear Community Board Member, shared her beautiful voice with us during our event singing her own songs and some cover songs! We had around 100 people join from Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, New York, California, Georgia, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Colorado!
Vanderbilt hosted another successful educational conference educating on all options for Microtia & Atresia, along with a wonderful parent/patient panel for families to share their experiences. Doctors joining were Scott Stephan, Marc Bennett, Priyesh Patel, Jason Park, Brandy Stephens and Scott Fiscus (anaplastologist for prosthetic ears)! Dr. Youssef Tahiri also joined us from California & Dr. Ed O’Mara who is working on 3D printed regenerated ears collaborating with Ear Community & Vanderbilt! We also had many fellows join our event as a learning opportunity! James Hermsen of SuhHermsen Adaptive Eyewear Solutions also joined us to educate on eyewear for microtia kids.
– MED-EL USA (proud Silver Sponsor) – ADHEAR & BONEBRIDGE!

Thank you to all of our community members who make our events special & to our donors & volunteers! Thank you to Meghan Franklin & Kendra Smith for all of their help during the organizing of this event!
A special thank you to our donors & volunteers who embrace Ear Community & all that our organization does to help give back to the Microtia & Atresia community. A very special thank you to The Gross Family Foundation, Blue Chip Foundation & the Every Kid a King Fund (thanks to Dana Bernhard & Family) for your incredible kindness & support to our community through the Ear Community Organization!

- The Vanderbilt Microtia and Atresia clinic
- Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- The Vanderbilt Microtia and Atresia clinic
- Vanderbilt microtia and atresia clinic staff
- Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- The Vanderbilt microtia and atresia clinic staff
- The Vanderbilt microtia and atresia clinic staff
- Dr. Scott Stephan speaking at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Dr. Jason Park and Dr. Marc Bennett of the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia clinic
- Dr. Marc Bennett speaking during the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Dr. Priyesh Patel speaking at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Dr. Jason Park speaking at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Dr. Brandy Stephens speaking at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Anaplastologist Scott Fiscus speaking at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia patient panel
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia patient panel
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia patient panel
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia patient panel
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Vanderbilt and Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Rachel Bernhard – our Ear Community Vanderbilt picnic host
- Noelle McFarland performing at our Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Birthday cake for Ear Community’s Founder, Melissa Tumblin
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Vanderbilt surgeons and friends enjoying the Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Noelle McFarland performing at our Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia picnic
- Cochlear Americas at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Ear Community Vanderbilt kids
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Ear Community microtia and atresia friends friends
- Ear Community microtia and atresia friends friends
- Ear Community microtia and atresia Board of Directors
- Melissa Tumblin and Camilla Gilbert of Ear Community
- Ear Community magic fun
- Ear Community Vanderbilt magician
- Ear Community friends
- Melissa Tumblin with Dr. Edward O’Mara
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Ear Community Vanderbilt kids
- Caroline Songy, Melissa Tumblin and Rachel Bernhard at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Ear Community friends and sponsors
- James Hermsen and Melissa Tumblin at the Vanderbilt Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Noelle McFarland and Rachel Bernhard at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Melissa Tumblin recognizing Ear Community Board Member, Rachel Bernhard, for her outstanding advocacy in the microtia and atresia community with Vanderbilt
- Melissa Tumblin recognizing Ear Community Board Member, Rachel Bernhard, for her outstanding advocacy in the microtia and atresia community with Vanderbilt
- Melissa Tumblin recognizing Ear Community Board Member, Rachel Bernhard, for her outstanding advocacy in the microtia and atresia community with Vanderbilt
- Ear Community Board Member, Noelle McFarland, at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Ear Community family at the Vanderbilt microtia event
- Noelle McFarland of Ear Community at the Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference
- Noelle McFarland with Melissa Tumblin at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia conference and picnic
- Melissa Tumblin celebrating her birthday at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Ear Community Vanderbilt kids
- Cochlear Americas at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- Oticon Medical at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- MED-EL at the Ear Community microtia and atresia event
- Melissa Tumblin at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- James Hermsen at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- Suh-Hermsen microtia glasses at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community table at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- Cochlear Americas at the Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- Ear Community Vanderbilt magic with the kids
- Ear Community Vanderbilt magician
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- The Ear Community Vanderbilt microtia and atresia event in Nashville, TN
- Ear Community Vanderbilt magic with the kids
- Ear Community Vanderbilt magician
July 22nd, 2023
On July 22nd, our Canadian Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic took place in Oakville, Ontario! It was a beautiful day with over 100 people coming together on our special day! We had a wonderful magic show with lots of fun, face painting and balloon art for the kids with a delicious lunch!
MED-EL USA (an Ear Community Silver Sponsor) – ADHEAR & the BONEBRIDGE System
A special thank you to the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre craniofacial and prosthetics department for joining us on our special day and educating about prosthetic ears! We could not bring our community together without everyone’s help & support!

- Kripa & Jahnu Raman and Family were our Ear Community Ontario picnic hosts
- Alpesh Patel and his Family were our Ear Community Ontario picnic co-hosts
- The Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Alpesh Patel and Kripa Raman speaking at our Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Kripa Raman speaking at our Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Alpesh Patel speaking at our Ontario Ear Community micrtoia and atresia picnic
- Cochlear Americas at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Oticon Medical at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- MED-EL at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atesia picnic
- Sunnybrook craniofacial team at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community magic and fun for the kids at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Board Member, Cindy Tattrie, at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Dorota Simpson of Cochlear Americas at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community balloon fun at the Ontario microtia and atresia picnic
- Face painting at the Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community magic and fun for the kids at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Ear Community Board Member, Cindy Tattrie, at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Cindy Tattrie and her family at the Ear Community picnic
- Ear Community Board Member, Cindy Tattrie, at the microtia and atresia picnic
- Cindy Tattrie and her family at the Ear Community picnic
- The Ontario Ear Community microtia and atresia picnic